♥ The Romance Thread ♥

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by GalaxieAuLait

So, you have a crush, or someone you love, right? Naturally they have something cute they do, or something they've said has just sent your heart fluttering! Well, here you can tell the world about it! But first, let's lay down a few ground rules:

  • Stay anonymous! Unless you're confessing here or something, it's a good idea to keep names to yourself. And if you somehow know who someone is talking about, Do. Not. Tell. That. Person. Unless otherwise cleared with the person who has the crush, you should not tell the crush, that is super rude.
  • You can talk if you want here, but try not to stray too off the topic!
  • If your gushing is not safe for work, block it out with a spoiler tag, please!
  • Don't bash someone else's crush/significant other, or someone for having a crush/significant other! That's just super rude.
  • On a related note, don't harass someone for their sexuality. No matter who believes what, it's pretty hard to help who you end up falling for.
  • If you feel a rule should be added, please message me!
  • If you break the above rules three times, you will not be able to post on the thread again.
Now, go on and gush, little lovebirds! ♥

I am so thankful for this person. He saved me from what would've been a horrible relationship with another guy that always ignored me and never gave me a single thing, even something as simple as a hug. I've known you since elementary and I can't believe it's taken this long for us to finally fall in love. I'm so happy we started talking again. You're the funniest, sweetest, and most intelligent person I know and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. <3


my girlfriend tells me that i hugged her arm and kissed her shoulder three times while i was asleep. i have no memory of this but i'm super proud of my sleeping self for loving her as much as my awake self does.

it's the same for her, she was once half asleep due to a medical procedure and the nurse sat her, but she was in my field of vision and made the softest kiss motion ever. i'm pretty sure no one but me saw it, and she has no memory of that, but it's so fffucking adorable oh my god

this also happened when we were ldr and were in a call, one would send kisses to the other while asleep haha

i always feel super blessed when this happens it's so pure   



TWELVE. Twelve more days until I get to see my precious boyfriendo again. 

Long distance relationship, nearly 1,600 miles apart. But we met for the first time on January 1st this year and everything went perfectly!! I think the hardest part was introducing this idea to my mom, since she's a bit of a helicopter parent. Ah, but when he came over, my mom immediately loved him. She said he was basically a copy of me, in terms of our personalities and demeanor. x') My mom neeever trusts me with anything.... any time I wanted to move further out or travel far, she shoots down my goals saying it's too far away, what am I going to do alone on my own, etc, etc. So I was nervous asking about whether I could fly over to boyfriend this time around. And when I asked the question - "Mom, would it be okay if I went to visit boyfriend---" - she just starts nodding and agreeing the moment I say his name. x') I have lowkey been planning this trip since the day he went back home in early January, because I started to miss him immediately. And now it's only 12 days!! If things go as planned, we will fly to each other every 3 months, taking turns each time. Knowing him has made me much braver and more confident. And I really appreciate that my mom seems more trusting of me now. (or maybe it's just because I'll be with boyfriend, because mom definitely wouldn't let me go anywhere if there wasn't a designated caretaker for me, ahaha.....) 

Heeee, and we're going to go see the cherry blossoms in Washington. I have never seen cherry blossoms in person, and I couldn't imagine a better person to view them with. T///T


I'm so in love with this girl she's my best friend and she's so kind? We exchanged gifts through the mail and she packed some cute art that she and her niece did and some soft plushies that I love, plus an owl statue and I love everything she gave me it's all so nice <33333

I hope one day she accepts my confession from a while back, but even if she doesn't as long as she's happy I'll be happy


if you asked me whether i had a crush on you tomorrow i don't know if i'd say yes, but at the same time it might be true??? hell. i don't know. i adore you, but that's not the same thing as wanting to date you, or being ready to shout forever, yes, you and only you forever at the top of my lungs, or to prioritize you over the rest of my life. what i want is this - a chance to take your hand and kiss it, to run into your arms and hug you tightly the moment i step off of the plane. your voice, a little incredulous of my enthusiasm but easy and gentle with laughter, ready to face a new day with me in your sunlit city of warm scents and music.


Ahhhh!! This is a really cute thread oml.

The person I like is someone I really adore as well as someone I really care about.
My heart is always on my sleeve no matter how hard I try and stop it from being there,
and when I have a crush, it's blatantly obvious and embarrassing since the person knows
usually before even I do. I spend a lot of time with the person, like, a lot a lot, haha. We
hang out almost daily together and have sleepovers nearly every weekend, and they have
have a way of making me lose all rationality and become jealous sometimes, something
I strive to never be. They brought a lot of light in my life and I can't say I regret getting into
the back of my friend's car when it was under 30 degrees fahrenheit out with the sunroof
down to hang out. This person has made me experience more feeling than I have in a long
time, and even though they don't like me back (I've attempted to ask them out with the courage
of my friends rallying me on the bus lol,) I'll continue staying by their side for as long as they'll
allow me.


GOD my crush is amazing and i love her so much

she's so wonderful and kind and she's such a goofball like she always makes me laugh with her dorky jokes and i can't believe that she wanted to talk to me first like im so dorky and awkward ghsfjdjs and we both just... clicked right away like we understand and get each other so well and try to be there for each other and AAAAAAAAAAAA

she makes me so happy and all warm inside and i plan on telling her my feelings to her once her situation gets better ;;v;;


i cannot w a i t for school and rehearsals to start up again,, i was goin for my lines for our show and i have a v cute interaction with my crush and i n e e d that in me life!!!!!! dropping sports to do theater, and also being a big goofball with a super sweet personality?? absolute power move,,, on my heart


so I'm pretty I guess closed off with my story worlds in that I don't really share them with people, but recently I canoned my crush (and a couple of my friends but shhh) and it feels so good to share something with hEr especially since this world is like, my stress relief project so it means a lot too and I just gfjffjvn yknow


i'm rly proud of my bf for getting a job - and while i enjoy my alone time i do miss him ;w; <3 i feel like a puppy whenever he comes home like 'yes hello ur back yay i love u so much!!!' and i just... i'm super glad i'm still just as in love w/ him as i was back when we first started dating - three years and counting! i never really liked the idea of marriage but i've been thinking about it a lot lately ;w; obv it's not gonna happen for years and years yet but thinking abt our future makes me optimistic about life