♥ The Romance Thread ♥

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by GalaxieAuLait

So, you have a crush, or someone you love, right? Naturally they have something cute they do, or something they've said has just sent your heart fluttering! Well, here you can tell the world about it! But first, let's lay down a few ground rules:

  • Stay anonymous! Unless you're confessing here or something, it's a good idea to keep names to yourself. And if you somehow know who someone is talking about, Do. Not. Tell. That. Person. Unless otherwise cleared with the person who has the crush, you should not tell the crush, that is super rude.
  • You can talk if you want here, but try not to stray too off the topic!
  • If your gushing is not safe for work, block it out with a spoiler tag, please!
  • Don't bash someone else's crush/significant other, or someone for having a crush/significant other! That's just super rude.
  • On a related note, don't harass someone for their sexuality. No matter who believes what, it's pretty hard to help who you end up falling for.
  • If you feel a rule should be added, please message me!
  • If you break the above rules three times, you will not be able to post on the thread again.
Now, go on and gush, little lovebirds! ♥

Hey, why am I still madly in love with you after all these years??


Man I just....Love my boyfriend so much...

He makes me glad to be alive.


I want to mail my crush a gift, but what do I send her and when will she ask her mom if it's OK to disclose her mailing address to me (since she knows I'm gonna send her a joke gift, but she doesn't know my plans for a real one)


I want to fall in love. I want to walk around with a guy through Little Tokyo, hand-in-hand, and exchange little kisses here and there. Hopefully it'll happen one day~


obligatory /enthuse about fruitcake/ post #_#

I dun nu I am usually unable to feel love but I love my guy and he is so far the only person in my life who ever liked me so we are together :'D


I love my boyfriend who I met in highschool (he's my highschool sweetheart~) and I met him sophomore year in French class. He was so respectful and just overall well rounded (not to mention total babe) that I went head over heels for him. About 6-7 months passed before we started dating and I couldn't think of anyone better! <3

Sometimes we do have a race issue because he is african american and I look white (I'm thai btw I just have really light skin and dyed my hair platinum blonde) but we honestly just ignore those people who have the audacity to comment on it.

But I love my boy soo much <3 We have plans to live in France together since he wanted to live there since high school (that's why he was taking French) and I'm so excited for the future~


So uh....Anyone here have a crush on a fictional character? I can't help myself he's so cute

Gosh, I have such a sad life. Someone send help please...


Reviving this thread with the fact I'm sending my crush a Christmas gift, I'm so happY


Aaaaah.. I love my girlfriend so much <3 Love is so strange, you know? I guess opposites do attract after all.. While she's more shameless, I'm more reserved. We are currently in a long-distance relationship.. But I have hope that we will meet in person one day <3 I trust her, since we've actually known each other ever since late December in 2014. I think Christmas Eve was the first time she knew about me, ahah.. I actually knew about her existence for that month, since she was a new user around the fandom roleplay site I frequently visited, and she was already making herself known around the community. Since I have a habit of peeking around certain users I am interested in, I visited her profile a lot. But, me as a shy girl, I was too intimated to talk to her, as she seemed like one of those users who I see around a lot, but I know I will never make friends with them. Then I saw her friend request on Christmas Eve... Oh my gosh, I was flipping out. She... noticed me. Aaaah... after that, we started talking frequently. We actually bonded over comforting each other, since we were both going through some heartache during those times. Now... I never imagined we would ever make it this far. She admitted she had a bit of a crush on me when we first met.. Ahah, I need to tell her again that it's the anniversary of her knowing about me today. Anyways, thank you for making this thread, I may keep coming back here to gush about the cute things we do together from now on <3 Right now, I'll just say... my gf and I make make meaningless but cute cat noises at each other over voice and chat x3 One time, we were voice chatting in front of my brother and I just exclaim, "Why are we making random noises in front of my brother?" And she says, "Cuz it's fun!"


O.O my “crush” is my husband XD We’ve been together since 2012, got married in 2017. We have a wonderful little boy c: and are currently expecting a little girl n.n Oh man what would I do without my husband <3 he’s an amazing father(even though we were super young when we had our son) he really stepped up and took the responsibility c: We did have our fights here and there but ever since 2016 we’ve really stayed stable c: He is amazing <3 he knows I have depression and that it can’t be cured anymore (had it since 2009) so he decided to adapt to it and learn when I get an episode and such c: Soenthing my mother wouldn’t do. He’s just simply amazing <3 it’s crazy to know how much can change in 6 years c: We are going to be a family of 4, we have a wonderful cat, a dog who sometimes gets on my nerves, and he’s just amazingly supportive <3 An ex-friend of mine was jealous because she LOVES to get attention from men and well my husband NEVER gave her any of it. She would complain to me (but would call it a compliment) saying “Man your husband only has eyes for you! Not even my husband does.” Now thinking about it, I always wondered why she use to wear revealing clothes and suddenly just stopped trying. But either way c: I’m just so glad to have him. He’s been a major help during this pregnancy. XD Idk. I’m just rambling now XD (my OC Skai is a bit based off my husband c: though I’ve had Skai longer XD 2010.. sorry hun!)