♦ Unpopular Opinion Thread ♦

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Enigma_Host


Since the original Unpopular Opinion Thread is locked (it turned into a shit-show reeeaaal fast) , I've gotten permission to remake it. 

I've decided to use the original rules for the thread since those were gucci

Edit: I didn't mean to post ic aaaaaaaa

Spoilers: Rules

- Don't be very rude or snarky to others. Remember, everyone has their own personal opinions.

- Disagreeing with someone's opinion is allowed, as long as it's not rude.

- Yo don't namedrop people, even if they're not on this site.

- To avoid causing a mess, refrain from starting an argument at all times!

- If there's something wrong going on in this thread, or if it's going out-of-hand, please PM me so that I can take care of it!

- Vaguing someone is prohibited, and it's connected to the third rule.

- Please do not post more than twice per page, so that it won't cause too much of a mess.

- It's okay if you vent, don't go too all-out on it. This is not the Vent Board.

- Also, please try not to turn this thread into a saltfest.

- Please, no opinions focused on racism, LGBT, politics, religion and the like. These will cause a massive flamewar. Controversial opinions are also not allowed unless taken lightly.

- Don't say stuff like "I don't like X" or "What? I love X!" in a way that's aggressive. This is meant to be a nice thread about sharing your unpopular opinions, not countering someone else's opinion.

-If it's something nsfw, use a spoiler box, or blackout the text  like this

- Don't call this thread out as a "bad idea." If you don't like this thread, please do not post here.

-Failure to comply with these rules will result in a warning, or ban depending on how severely you broke the rules.

Ey yo,  if you see someone breaking the rules, pm me. I love it when ppl do this because I'm a blind bih.

Banned Users

None (yet, but I think it's time to bring this bad boy out.)


hmm kh3 was a good game despite its pacing flaws.

don't tell me you absolutely despised all the fun intetactive stuff in each world

 I think with the upcoming dlc it'll really help the games ending, shame that nomura's going the "paid dlc" route despite his saltiness towards ffxv


I feel like people are using the term "Anime" to refer to Japanese animation, but this term shouldn't be restricted to just Japanese animation only, but MUST refer to Animation in general. Anime and Cartoons are all just the same medium.

V I don't want to double-post, but that term is discussed here.

I've known cartoons for so long, and my opinion with Japanese Cartoons have changed overtime.



I think the problem is that “Japanese/Eastern cartoon” is too long?? Either way, it’s kinda set in stone at this point so *shrug emoji*

Either way, another thing is that “anime” really isn’t just Japanese, but Eastern Asian in general. There can be Korean and even Chinese “anime” but it’s just most common in Japan.


I absolutely hate when people use disorders as adjectives (example: that's so depressing/she looks depressed but those are just a few, I could name some more but I don't have a clue how to code a spoiler ;u;). It's just an uncomfortable prick whenever a disease/disorder is used as a word to describe something. It's almost watering it down, no matter how severe the disease/disorder is.

Also! ;u; People use the terms 'anxiety attack', 'mental breakdown', and 'panic attack' way too lightly. I get it, you got nervous last period when you saw you had a grade a few points under 70 (the most common cause for any of the above in my school when they just get stressed). If you were truly having a [insert any of the above] then you would be at least crying, which I never see (don't get me wrong! I know it's different for everyone but the most common symptoms of anything from the list is crying/visibly upset).

This is also just me complaining about people around me and common behaviors for people my age (highschool students but also saw this in junior high) ;;u;;

EDIT: I hate the Eddsworld fandom as well and the Countryhumans fandom is pretty weird too ;v;


Mmmmm banana chips


Speaking of fruits, lemonade is overrated


I really don’t like daoko. Not bc if the songs or singing. I just hate how she sometimes show no emotional when singing. Maybe it’s the choir kid in me but it actually helps when u put emotion when u sing. If u like daoko go for it. I like her songs but idk


nsfw topic spoiler

i think furry / anthro porn is disgusting. it makes me incredibly uncomfortale, especially if the anthro(s) depicted in the acts are very similar looking to irl animal breeds (for ex. standard bull, beagle, etc.)

+ porn of like.. feral animals is just... very wrong, imo. again this is all my Opinion so please dn't @ me trying to argue


husbrandos a g r e e d my goodness — why can't we just have nice things in this world

Using the word 'triggered' or something similar to make light of a situation isn't bad. I feel like people overreact in saying that it's offensive and rude, but like— okay then


I’m watching a video on YouTube and after really thinking about it, I think that if you completely redesign a character and make it unrecognizable, where you can’t look at then and go “okay this is them” the moment a person looks at them, that’s not a redesign. That’s just a new character because it’s lost everything in had in similarity to the old design. If a redesign has some traits that the old design had, and a person can look at them and go “hey that’s so and so!” and recognize who that character is, then I think that it’s an actual redesign. 

Also cucumber water tastes terrible, why in god’s name would someone wanna drink it, I dunno. But I have weird tastes.