lf: noob friendly group rps!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 11 months ago) by amphirevu

been a while since i've rped and i wanna get back into it >:))

i DO prefer groups but if u wanna 1 on 1 i guess that's fine too? guess i just wanna practice first :'))

suggest me worlds/discord servers! or reach me at amphirevu#5291 !



I'm not sure if you're into Pokemon but we do have this group if you're interested!


SpaceCinnaBuns ooh that looks really interesting!!! will definitely be checking that out :DD


Sukoshi_Kyatto what's WC? :00


I'm planning a world-based group RP soon if you'd wanna know more about it? I don't have many RP friends myself but it's something i've also been wanting to get back into! I can send you a friend request if so :>