The Seven Sins & The Heavenly Virtues... but mechs

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 months ago) by sharkghxst

imagine a world where the seven deadly sins & the heavenly virtues settled into the world, only to reside in a special select few...

so, basically, i had an idea about the 7:7. what if there were people who "possess" the sins/virtues, but they required undergoing special training and the requirement of tech to help them bring out their full potential? there's like not a good way for me to explain it but lmao that's the best i got. i'll write some lore when i'm free wefjwelfw but i'll try and get a starter done soon-

quick rules;
- not allowing anyone OLDER THAN 18 (if you're 18 or about to turn 19, it's okie) due to personal reasons atm, i'm v v sorry to the adults i didn't mean to offend
- no nsfw (violence is okay and actually kinda encouraged)
- up to two characters allowed
- one character per sin/virtue - they DO NOT have to be their stereotype/their sin (ie. a sleepy character with the Sloth sin), but their powers do have to correlate with their respective sin/virtue
- the seven sins and the seven virtues will be roleplayed on two SEPARATE threads but will be in the same academy; think of it like HP houses but like very small

- only human(oid) characters, feel free to ask!
- more tba

your character receives a letter basically saying they're super cool and more special than the other humans and blah blah so i was planning on making the roleplay start with everyone boarding a ship or plane c:

comment down if you're interested in joining ! it'll be on toyhouse but if people are okay with discord then we can do that too.

SINS LIST [those with xs are taken]:
[x?] Lust
[x] Gluttony — shqrk
[x] Greed — Bowbotic
[x] Wrath — _N4TS_
[x?] Envy
[x?] Pride

VIRTUES LIST [those with xs are taken]:
[x?] Chastity
[x?] Diligence

discord pref: II

th pref: I


hey there! i read your post and i am interested in playing lust or envy! one problem though... i tend to forget to respond to fourm rps more so than discord rps, so if possible i would rather discord! if not that's fine but i'll probably be less active


CrabbyJade -- thank you for your interest! let me know if you're interested in one sin over the other, or both for that matter (which i'll be marking you down for if you're still interested if we get enough members to at least get one "branch" open). i'll keep the Discord preference in mind, thanks again!


this sounds like such a cool concept with the 7 virtues and sins! i’d love to rp pride, chastity or diligence! i also have a preference for discord over th forums but whatever the method of rp i wont mind!


natt -- i appreciate the interest! your preferences are noted. let me know if you're interested in a certain sin/virtue (if you wanted to do both virtues or do one sin + one virtue) over the other or if you'd want to limit down to two! c:


This looks really interesting, and it could help me learn how to draw mechs if i ever wanna draw my character! Could i take greed? I know everyone’s saying to rp on discord but i’d strongly prefer th forums.


absolutely! i’ll mark your preference down as well. thank you! c:


Bowbotic ^


I'm interested- mind if i can claim wrath? Oh also, i prefer discord over Th ;v;


_N4TS_ yeah for sure! i’ll mark down your preference as well. :)


almost forgot to reply to this id like to reserve the humility vitrue if it’s not already taken!


If this is still open I'd love to join and claim Patience if possible! This is a really cool concept imo lol

As for site preference I don't mind either tho I've never RPed on ToyHouse before


sorry for taking forever to get back to this fourm, but i would def want envy!


I'd love to claim Lust! I prefer TH <3