LF: Long Term Roleplay Partners

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by ChaoticallyKhaos

Hi there! ^-^ 
My name is Khaos, and as the title says, I'm looking for some long term roleplay partners. 
I have 15+ years of roleplay experience. I love creating stories and character development. 

I have some rules (most are guidelines, really) that I want to get out of the way. Yes, yes, I know. We hate reading them but it's a must.
Please be warned, I'll know if you didn't read through my rules/guidelines after the first few replies in the rp. I'll drop the rp in a heart beat.

~Must be at least 20+ because I love playing mature roleplays.
~I'm open to all sexuality. Heterosexual, yaoi and yuri.
~Original Characters only.
~No fandoms!

~Must be semi-literate. 
What's a semi-literate?It's someone who writes from third person view, decent size paragraphs (3-8 paragraphs), novel style, uses proper grammar and spelling.
~No one liners. This applies to the rule previously before this.
~Quality over quantity. I don't want a bunch of useless details like describing every little thing (surroundings, food, clothes, ectra). Give me something to work with! Make your replies matter.
~Development is key! Please make the roleplay matter but don't expect my OC's to be friends with yours or be shipped. Sometimes my characters will not be interested. But don't be afraid to fight, harass or being obscene with and to my OC . I love stories so let's develop some together!
~I roleplay only privately via notes, toyhouse private forums or email (I made an email account just for rps). 
~I do smut. But this is not a must. If it is something you feel uncomfortable with, please don't let it stop you from contacting me. I have no problem doing time skips if it were to happen in the story line. I want both of us to be comfortable and to have fun!
~I am open for all types of genres! I love to mix them all up. But romance must be involved. When it comes to romance, I hate fall-in-love-at-first-sight crap. It's unrealistic and highly annoying for me. I also don't want romance to be the main focus.
I have a weakness for lovexhate relationships, dysfunctional couples, dark romance, fucked up forbidden love kind of things. If you do too, I'll love ya forever!
~I like to have some sort of balance in the roleplay and have things to be realistic for whatever universe setting it is in. Don't keep making up random crap that has no logic. 
~Please do not rush me! If you don't hear from me in two weeks, (or if I don't hear from you) just send a polite message. I have a life outside of the computer, so I can get pretty busy. Or forgetful sometimes.

Now that's out of the way, let's move on.

I'm not into 'slice of life' unless something supernatural happens in it.

I love the following:
~Twisted and dysfunctional couples
~Love and hate relationships
~Forbidden love
~Dark and twisted romance

~A fantasy setting (craving this one the most)
~Futuristic setting
~Victorian or Edwardian era

But I'm up for anything! 

  I can do wing its (I mostly prefer having some kind of plot to give us direction) and I can also do pre-made relationships. Plotting and brainstorming is just as fun ^^
I'm craving for a story. Not just a few meaningless scenes and that's it. I want to be able to feeling the characters, laugh and cry with them. But at the same time, I don't want a bunch of little details that I can careless about. 

I have no problem making new characters and also have no problem if there's an oc of mine that sounds interesting to work with. 

I have very little limits. I'm against weird festish suchs as scat, giantess/little, expanding. Stuff like that. If you are unsure, don't be shy just ask. 

You may look through my characters. If someone catches your eye, let me know. Just note that I may decline your offer on a character. Most of my characters are flexible. 



 Jagger ChaoticallyKhaos

*curls wings away and gives him a look*


EmeraldFalcon I'll send ya a note ^-^