Haven Cove: Where humans and nonhumans thrive!

Posted 7 years, 28 days ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Prismakry

A storyboarding/headcannoning and RP world for the city called Haven Cove. Modern day Supernatural setting.

Haven Cove is a city surrounded by mountains on one side and the ocean on the other.

People of all races are welcome to live here as long as they adhere to one very important rule: Get Along.

The council does not accept racism, sexism, transphobia and any other negative -isms and phobias in this city.
Anyone who disrupts the peace by doing so will be switftly removed with all due dilligence. 

We also have a discord and will try and do more events and things in the future as we grow in size!


Hallo there! I'm just going to slide myself up here because reading this ad kind of reminded me of the rp I'm in atm. We're building up a region with a couple of towns and a major city, shops, libaries, etc. It's a modern fantasy mystery setting that kind of asks the question of... what if in this area of land, people just kind of went missing, bermuda triangle style? The short explanation is that the viel between worlds is flimsy there and people just sort of walk through accidentally and are never heard of again. It's a setting where humans go about their daily bussiness and supernatural beings either mingle under guise around them, or those that never managed to adapt to civilization kind of hide away in nature.

It's not a toyhouse world though, so I'm not sure if you're looking for this sort of thing. It's a forum, and we're a small, tight, comunity of people - around 10 or so of us. The place is mostly one on one rps between the characters, really, with a few 3 ways thrown in. If you think that might be your thing, feel free to come on in! We can be found in the cbox, and if discord's your thing, we also have a lil discord where we kinda dick around and plot and talk about the rp.




Thank you for showing me, I'll give it a look but not sure if I'm interested at this time, as I'd love to build something of my own, but thank you for the offer nonetheless :)


I have Wesley, she's a clothing shop owner! I'd be totally cool with joining ^^

Also also Hebbin is a half rabbit half human and he works as a baker!


@fluidex They both sound lovely! I'll be sure to let you know if I get this up and running once more people (hopefully) show interest, since I'd like at least a few people before it gets going xD


I'm up for it! This would be a fun way to develop some of my OCs... and be a fun au for the others, I think!


@DrDktr I love your babies, so of course I'd be happy to have you along <3


At least one more person and I'll be willing to get this starting up and going (and more people can join down the road if they so choose)


I'd like to try! I'm new to the RP world and there's a lot I don't know.

The idea's pretty nice and probably it might help me develop my characters.



Awesome, that makes at least 3 people then, I'll go ahead and set up hte world here soon and invite you guys to it and we can go from there :) 


If anyone else is intersted though don't hesitate to post, it's pretty much open to anyone who wants to join as it's meant to be a free/open project to help people develop chars and such, not something  super closed :)


World has been created and those interested invited to it :) Anyone else who'd like to join in feel free!


Woo! Oh man here's some motivation to finally do that RP comfort meme lmao 



haha go for it! Feel free to poke around on teh world, although there isn't too much info yet as I'm still working on it, but  I'm defintiely up to hearing anything people wanna add since it's meant to be a group activity :) 


Things are starting to pick up a little, folks, would love to see more people join in on the fun <3


I'd love to join ^~^ maybe with Aqio or something. Hes not really very developed and it'd be fun to develop him~



Happy to have ya! Just go join the world and give things a look :)