Freak's RP Ad :>

Posted 1 month, 10 days ago by frenzied_freak

Freak's RP Ad

Howdy! I'm Kate, a 16 y/o Canadian student with a hobby of RP. I currently have one partner I'm roleplaying with (and if you're reading this, I'm not replacing you! Don't worry :] ), and I think I'd like to take on one, maybe two other people to write with. Personality wise, I'm outgoing and usually upbeat, if that matters. I think I'm funny, though my humor does often include some darker jokes :>


Genres: Slice of life, romance, angst, mild drama, maybe apocalyptic (?)
Time Period: Victorian era, dustbowl era, 80s/90s, modern day
Favorite Tropes (Not limited to): Bonnie-and-Clyde (criminal duo), grumpy/sunshine, rebel/teacher's pet
Preferred Pairings: F/F, M/F, F/NM

I want someone who is...

- Flexible! I'm an induvidual with many mental illnesses: my reply times will vary. Sometimes I'm busy, or sometimes I'm simply not feeling like being online or roleplaying at the moment. I'll usually do my best to respond at least once a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. If you know that this time frame will bother you, we're probably not the best fit.

- Easy to talk to and willing to work to figure out something we'll both enjoy! I want to find a plot we're both able to be invested in: there's nothing worse than a boring RP.

- OOC friends (optional).

Platforms :>


Absolutely, this is preferred!




Maybe... not preffered though.


Hello! I'd love to roleplay with you, i have two characters that i could use

deirdre (A 80s popstar)

lakia (A Modern Day Spider-dude)

I'm _urmom.com_1 on discord so feel free to DM me!

i can provide you with more info if you'd want on me and etc


i'm turning 16 in may, i'm always online *most of the time* so ye!