Looking for 1x1 rp

Posted 24 days, 6 hours ago by TheRealMothman

Hi hi!! I wanna start roleplaying more because I have some, but not much in the past four or so years. I don't mind most genres, but I really want to find a gf for Marina and do something like romance or slice of life or something. I also wouldn't mind using any of these [darcy,bubblegum,izotz, cicadadreams, or carlos] let me know if there's a preference on who I do or don't use. I typically write between 3-6 sentences, but i'm comfortable writing up to 9, just don't like to since I'm rusty. If interested message me here or discord, i'm bingo_the_dingo

rules or something

I. No super heavy, detailed gore in more than like 2 sentences, but gore is cool

II. No straight up nsfw, but suggestive dialogue, sex jokes, lightly suggestive stuff, and lightly suggestive scenes is fine

III. Please don't try to control everything, do that shit in your own worlds

IV. Cussing is good! I like cussing, but I won't cuss if you don't want


Hi there~! I am looking for partners to help develop some of my characters further (not to  mention meet new  people!). If  you want to, you can DM me for add me on discord (if you have it) on SuperkumaX


Looking for a couple more, if anyone is interested 

Lupcorv R4inb0w_Fr0gz

Hello! Would you be interested in doing a couple rp with Lee here? She can be shipped with any woman! :)


@r4ainb0w_Fr0gz sure, we can do that! You wanna do it here, or in a private discord server?


R4inb0w_Fr0gz sorry, I spelt the ping wrong 


All good dw! I would rather do it here bc discord doesn't work on my device ;-;


R4inb0w_Fr0gz no problem, if you want to message me, I'll get back to you when I'm free :3


Alright! ^^


Hi! I'd love ot roleplay with you! I have a few characters that could work!

My user is _urmom.com_1