Hey lovely people- I have plenty of time and would love a new 1on1 roleplay partner or two!

I would consider myself a semi-lit to literate roleplayer, usually writing multiple paragraphs per response. I prefer not to overwrite when I feel like there's no point in doing so, leaving some responses longer or shorter than others but never skipping out on detail or relevance.

I currently am free just about every day of the week, save for some occasional weekends and a few hours on some evenings where I play TTRPGs and work, meaning you can expect a lot of replies! Sometimes I take longer if I'm still getting comfortable with my RP partner, but when things kick off I'm sure I'll be past that phase quickly!

If things go well, I will also definitely be drawing art of our characters and love to talk about headcanons and further development :) and just being pals in general!

Also a quick note- I am ideally looking for humanoid characters and roleplayers 18+ because I am 21! I am plenty happy to write NSFW though admittedly don’t have much experience doing so, so I’m eager but probably won’t be the best right off the bat.  


I'm open to just about any RP ideas, but particularly enjoy the fantasy, superhero, and romance genres.

I am also open to roleplaying my fandom OCs but it's not currently preferred. 

Any x Any pairing is fine with me! I'm transmasc agender and pan if that changes anything and have experience roleplaying both F and M characters. 

I'm okay with just about anything aside from especially descriptive gore. 

For my full RP info sheet, check here!


I am open to roleplaying pretty much any character I have, and there's a lot of variety! There are only a few off-limits, mostly being those who are currently being played in TTRPGs or have more extensive lore tied to another roleplay.

I understand that pretty much nobody I have listed has much information on them posted at this time, so it's cool if you come to me with a roleplay idea instead of a character you might want to see me roleplay. You can also just ask me about someone who looks interesting and I'd be happy to tell you more about them, or just come with an OC you want to play and we can brainstorm!

I'm also happy with just making a new character to fit the story we're going for!


I'm currently only open to roleplaying on Discord!

Feel free to friend me over there so long as you let me know you found me here once I accept the message so I’m not left wondering.

My username is SirRayPierre  <3


I'm excited to meet and tell stories together!


haii omg i'm interested!! i'll send u a frq on discord from dxrohol! i hope that's ok, u seem like a neat person ^w^/

(i am pretty new to rp so i hope that's ok!! if it's not then i understand :3)


This all looks super interesting! I'd love to toss around some ideas and talk more! If you're interested I sent you a friend request at the same name as here ^^!


I'm interested too I sent you a FR ^^


oHHHH I'm also looking to RP more, I'll send you a FR!!