{18+} Wild West discord rp

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by baskoothalazoon

Goldsprings is a semi lit original character rp set in 1851 Wild West Texas. We try to keep things accurate for the setting for the most part but go for "if it was historically possible then it's all good". 

We're always looking for more long term active players to join us. We've been going since July 2018 and still very active, and hosting event plots every month or so.

Players believed to be under 18 will be kicked from the server.

The scorching sun shone down on to the town of Goldsprings, reflecting off the small ripples in the troughs that the horses occupied, and beating down against the exposed skin of the inhabitants. The gentle breeze carried with it a small section of dirt, blowing it down the already dry and dusty road. The sound of horses neighing and merry making, harmonized with the delectable tunes of an upbeat piano surrounded the atmosphere in a captivating fashion. Cowboys, bounty hunters, deputies, brothel girls and saloon girls, not only roamed the streets trying to entice business, but were also making merry in the busy saloon. All in all, it was a beautiful little Wild West town, but there was so much more behind it. Danger lurked in every corner, waiting for the moment to spring up. 



Are there any rules against having lgbt+ characters? Just asking because I've seen a lot of 'historical' groups not be fond of lgbt+ characters and I rather know upfront before I join.


Lgbt characters are welcome (like especially if they're a cowboy - I don't know why we don't have any gay cowboys). I think we have 2 or 3 lgbt ocs in the server at the moment.

We only have issues with it if lgbt characters become the majority (purely because of it being historical). 


Ram ranch


Since this is a month old, are you still accepting new members? Also, is there any sort of application people need to fill out or is it a just hop into the server kind of thing? 

I have a Wild West OC, but she lives a bit of a non-traditional life so am not 100% sure how well she might mesh in (I'm a nervous nelly, more like).


Hi! Sorry about the late reply. Yes, we're always accepting new members. Pur character application form is in one of the server channels

We have a good mix of characters so it shouldn't be a problem although we're happy to give advice in server if you need help :)