
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by mozaik

updated: 1/9/20

moved threads

happy new year o/ im opening up some normally off limits designs for rs/voucher only: tag !

most of these are not in my regular resale tag; feel free to haggle, but im tentative on anyone without a price in their name and prioritize other resells first! sales apply to anything with a price in their name for sure; feel free to ask abt tentatives.


priority: $ (where applicable) >>> art >>> trades (what to offer!*)

actively seeking orobris (huuni or shikama made) and erebun designs (swap?)! i will look at anything & everything of these. also lf a dainty myo slot for a 3way and possibly low quality/hard to connect with CB dainties! +a cb potion would be a very attractive addon if you happen to have one LOL

*pls dont offer things listed under do not want! if you throw a giant th link at me pls tag out the stuff thats not relevant.



huion tablet, pen display, and doujinshi ufo

dreamies: opening swap offers for my dreamies for a bit..! im not reselling any, pls dont ask ; w ; swaps only (official for official preferred), but other designs + art are welcome as add ons..! pls be aware akito, jai & baihu are 98% impossible, but feel free to try, i guess (TwT)..? one of the special dreamy slots, along with delta, is tentatively ok to offer on while i plan them! wheezes fkdjfj

dainties: eo on space dandy and lianjun only! (im on mobile sorry dkdj will tag the rest out properly later) art & trade mixed >>> solely trade > solely art. i will not swap any of them for a single slot

vv tag sale: anything for resell at $50+ is 20% off; anything under is 15% off unless the og price is $10 or below.

additionally, everything is fcfs, no tentatives rn!



 designs may come and go from the tag at whim.

everyone in this tag is up for resale, no holds or payment plans TvT it is mostly fcfs, but theres a few im tentative on/will be picky about (brisk, nine, seele, mostly; anything with * to a lesser extent).

will look at trades, but $ is much higher priority

im willing to do bulk discounts or haggle to an extent o/


hard tag (highlights: dainties, dreamies, fleuros, shrio-nii, shadowmonster, official jotaku cs, sh0d03, erebun*, r0hi0...etc)

*sae is available to offer on, but hes v tent! orz would most likely only swap

easier tag (highlights: skfuu, avridon myo, rabycia, jasmiass)


please check my dA faves and personal tag for a visual tl;dr of art styles and aesthetics i like!

- hq art (masc/'spicy bishonen' adskdjdhd anime style preferred; no uber sparkly/cutesy, western cartoon, or realistic styles please)

- generally not interested in pixels or chibis

- i am very picky on style, apologies in advance TvT! most of my chars are androgynous or masc (even the girls LOL), so pls dont show me examples of only girls..!

- a self-set deadline must be specified for art offers. please be realistic and honest about turnaround time, as once the deadline has passed and we have not agreed on a new deadline, the design being held will go back up with no warning, regardless if the offer is partially complete. i totally understand extenuating circumstances and will make exceptions, but only if you let me know (dw if you cant contact right away and the deadline passes, ill check for general inactivity or a status first - this is more re: ppl who promise 1mo but get partial done quickly then ghost for weeks past their own due date while taking on more comms)


feel free to PM or comment; discord (geckcellent#0551) is also available and will likely get a faster response

other 3-way trades are fine as well, no need to ask permission but please let me know if you do (and keep everyone in the loop as to who all involved parties are!) and ill link them here!

i will not reply to offers that clearly havent read, but generally replies will be prompt. if theres no answer within a day+ or so (or i bump the thread/am active elsewhere/etc), please assume im considering your offer :D;

thank you!


A few characters caught my eye. Does my art interest you in anyway? 


uhhhhh ill pass but ty!


I'd love to be considered for tams resell!

 I'd like to put them in my cyberpunk world as a modchild or maybe an alien ((following species lore)) they look to me like theyd make a really cool modern samurai type character. With a possible shadow manipulation power. Like turning shadoes into the blade of a katana or maybe that one weapon that are like mini scythes that are connected by a chain? Personality wise it'd be fun to play him as an accidental stoic. Like everyone thinks he acts really serious all the time but on occassion he says or does something really silly. I havent really played one of those yet and it seems real fun. Haha sorry for the long dump, i just got carried away!


I'd love to be considered for resell of Tam, their design is so lovely! I'd probably give them a star-related name like 星忆 (Xingyi) asdfghjkfdshgjk not sure what surname yet;;

I'm not sure if I'd put them in a world or just have them as an independent character but I'd give them the a theme related to the 28 mansions of Chinese astronomy and exorcism! They would probably be the last student of a clan of exorcists who uses stars as a guide to create formations (or talisman?) that traps rowdy spirits and lead them to the afterlife. The clan began to decline when an ambitious member tried to take more than they could chew from the stars, and all descendants were cursed to die at the age of 28. The details of the curse is unknown so they travel in an attempt to find out more and break the curse.


HI IM BACK.... i still wanna offer you my artworks bc im particularly interested in Terra !

also just to clarify youre not looking for JUST art for Levi right?

hey would this blakyre interest you for tam or, a long shot, terra? id be willing to add on to my offer for either! id also like to be considered for the resell of tam!


@ everyone who asked for resell consideration: ive got you listed!

daoko nope! im mostly interested in mixed trade/art or full trade actually (for levi specifically)

nitocris hes cute but i couldnt use him, sorry! 


ok not a problem!!! just lmk if art for terra sounds good to you!


daoko could you make a concrete offer with amounts/types and turnaround time pls? ovo


OH SHOOT IM SO SORRY SIAGKAHAJA yes!!! i could do like 3-4 busts tht i could prob get done in a week or so bc they dont take me long to do

OR i could do 2 full pieces w a turnaround of about a month, just bc i work nd go to school so id have to work on them on breaks!!!

 i know i linked u my art before but here are examples if u need to see again!


For Ani, Cynosure, Levi, Kagiha, Tam, Terra, tbn sparkly, and Waya, would anyone I have here interest you? The only "anthro cs" tho would be the skfuu boo ; v ;

also another issue regarding an adopt you have

I am the former, first owner of him and I never traded him, instead regifted him ;;;;;
I got him from EnaMei as a raffle (gift), so it only makes sense I regift him only.
EnaMei never gave me any heads up that I could trade him either.
I also never gave anyone any privilege (not like i can anyways??) to trade him either.

I did write a desc in his ownership log that he can only be regifted but seems like he was traded in the middle.

In other words I'm sorry that you got him from a trade ;;;??? but please do not trade him!


Sanmedare didnt see anything  sorry! also re: that adopt, i thought the same so i asked the person who traded them to be about it n they gave some reason that it was their alt and actually not a gift or something >> didnt push it, but did a nice chunk of art for em lllooool

i just checked enameis tos, and this is all it says on the subject;

- You may resell/trade/give away the adopt
- Reselling means selling at the same price or lower (unless there is additional art that was PAID for)

~and i did trade for the adopt, so i apologise but i cannot follow that directive..!


sorry for the late reply!! Well it's understandable that you can't follow that since after all, you did trade stuff for them so it makes sense~

dsgkfdgs i understand that may be what enamei wrote but I /gifted/ them and did not allow them to trade whatsoever orz
either way he shouldn't be tradeable ;;;; it's like... i gifted a nice character to you, you're not suppose to gain any profit by trading or reselling at all ;;;

but as long as I don't get in trouble with enamei it's fine-- it'll let it go~
but I know who to not send gifts to next time ;;;;"

Either way thank you for your time and sorry for bothering you!! ; v ;/