
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by Sanmedare



yuhimiko After some thought, I've decided to pass on the offer ^^ Thanks anyways~


Kkaebsong Hi there! Not sure if you check dA often or not so I hope you don't mind me pinging you here instead~

But It's been 2 days since I mentioned I'm reselling Zain to you on dA. Please let me know if you're still interested or not so I can move on and properly prepare my finances. Otherwise, I'll accept the next person interested in Zain or keep him when I close this thread~


yuhimiko Ah sorry but I prefer to character trade him or voucher for him sorry ><


yuhimiko Only the currybby interest me ;;;


yuhimiko It was worth a try but I sadly don't have any R0HI0s I'd trade right now ;v;


yuhimiko Maybe~