
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by CMelevator



seroswilt ah ok, I would be willing to up my offer a bit though, I keep thinking of ideas for him lol, it's fine if you just don't want to sell him though 



oh, no - i'm not attached to him anymore at all! but i'm in a tight spot at the moment and was looking to sell him at a higher offer as i put a lot of time into the animatics i did for him ; v ; oh! what would you be upping your offer to? and thank you for liking his design!! <3 ; v ; it makes me happy to hear that aha


seroswilt I was thinking I could up it to like 40 or 45? It's kinda a lot for me but I really love him lol



ah heck, thank you so much for liking his design TT u TT <3 it makes me super happy that he's going to go to a loving home! also, i can do 40! i'll PM you with my paypal info!


Ok so I've been thinking about it and I was wondering, are Isra and joy for sale? And if so do you have price ranges for them? 


Animecafe102 hey again!! q u q ahh isra and joy are my mains, and very tent - but i have had a falling out with them as of lately, so i'm open to entertaining offers on them! ; u ;

isra's total worth comes to ~$36, and joy's total worth comes to ~$60!


Aah, is Aki up? What would interest you for them? :0c


seroswilt ah I could do 36 for Isra if that works?



i accept!! TT _ TT thank you so much for liking my mains aaah i'm really happy to hear that we have similar tastes in OCs! you can send the money to the paypal address i sent you, and i'll send over the transfer asap! <3


hello!! i acquired aki very recently so i'm still very tent with him ; u ; he actually has a chibi lineless piece by this artist on the way! i'm currently looking for trades for him!


seroswilt lol I almost pinged myself for a second, anyway sending now!


seroswilt ok I sent the money but for some reason PayPal has to review it so it may not actually arrive till November 4th because it said that's when the funds will be available or soemthing, idk PayPal is dumb somtimes lol


Animecafe102 oh, okay!! ; u ; thank you so much for informing me!! i can still send the transfer right now if you want! or if you want me to wait until the payment is authorized, i can do that too! <3


seroswilt Ah if you could send it now that'd be great! Cuz chances are I won't even notice when it's actually sent lol, It's pending and everything, so it just waiting for PayPal lmao, I was gonna try and send you a screenshot just so it didn't seem like I'm lying or being sketchy but of course my freaking iPad got water damaged a few weeks ago and the lock button no longer works so I can't take screenshots anymore -_- idk why PayPal has to review it, idk if it's got soemthing to do with my not normally sending payments this large, or if it's because the website for my bank is in maintenance, otherwise I have no guesses lmao thanks paypal 


seroswilt omg ok so I am reading possible reasons this can happen and one possibility is it can be triggered by some words, I wonder if it's because of his name, because I put "for Isra" as the message and maybe it thinks that means soemthing, since there are some random acronyms called Isra and I think one has to do with rifles or soemthing jeez PayPal I'm not doing anything illegal. But the message I got said soemthing about government regulations which is why I'm so confused like wtf did I do lol

In the PayPal community thing I'm reading, a lot of people have had issues with the word "Persian" including one person who ordered an ink called "Persian blue" like wtf PayPal what is wrong with Persian? So yeah I have a feeling it's because of his name lol which is ridiculous because I've never even heard of the acronym thing before, I swear if I have to call them and prove that it's not that like someone said they had to do with the word "dio" (they meant diorama) because it meant soemthing war related as well, I'm gonna be so salty lol



AHA that's kind of funny, because honestly? if i was doing any illegal activity.. i probably would not be adding any message that indicates trading of war related items to the transactions at all xD

anyways, i've sent over isra!! <3 thanks for buying him ; u ; i'll let you know if i receive the payment on november 4th!