H: HQ Humanoids/Monsters/etc (Smooshkin+) 04/02

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 1 month, 7 days ago) by Lanternkitten

04/02/24: I raised the money for my bankruptcy lawyer (unless the price is raised on me), so I'm no longer in emergency status. From here on, I'm raising money to finally get my dog neutered. 

My boy Snow turns three in May and I've had him since he was a puppy; I was supposed to get him fixed before he was two, but obviously I didn't have the money. The low cost clinic here runs $75 for male dogs (including pain medicine, etc plus a bonus $5 nail trim that he really needs). If you want to donate to helping my boy get snipped, just let me know.

Goal: 0/$75

I will haggle, I will do holds, and I do accept payment plans.


I DO ALLOW HOLDS AND PAYMENT PLANS. Please don't back out of them. I can't afford it under any circumstances.

Hi. I need to sell all characters with price names. Some by Akiiraii, Myme1, Valkymie, Pixennon...

The characters in question are right here: https://toyhou.se/Lanternkitten/characters/folder:920318

If I forget to reply to your message, please send me a follow up. My health is weird at the moment and I may forget to reply.

Thread last updated as of 04/02/2024.


I have my eye on this boy but I'm broke atm. While I'm not asking for a hold, because you need the money and if no one else comes around saying they will buy him, I will be back come the end of the month if my math is right, to buy him then. But again... if someone else comes looking for him, please don't hold. Take the quicker sale.


Amber-Lynne - Well, he's been for sale since I uploaded him so I'd be shocked if someone shows up for him now, plus I haven't sold anything since declaring the 20% off... just send me a message once you have funds and I might still have him. While the funds will be too late for these bills, they'll help with the next ones.


Aww, that's unfortunate. However, at least he's most likely gonna be sold at the end of the month? I just wish I could help... y'know... *now*. DX


Amber-Lynne I appreciate the sentiment, trust me. It means a lot just hearing (reading? Ha) that. I've been stressed as heck. OTL Thought of maybe trying to sell some of my anime figures and such as well, but the nightmare of shipping is not something I want to deal with, haha.


Oh geez. That'd be a headache, I'm sure. You could try local selling pages, though? Like here, we have kijiji, which is a local buy and sell site. Maybe you have something like that... that isn't the sketch af site craigslist... that could be beneficial for ya? I have no idea. I'll point people in your direction, maybe someone I know will help you out more directly than I can for the moment~<33



Curious as to what his price is? ^^


Sleepy-Thunder - He'd be right about $16. =)


I'd love to buy him!


Sleepy-Thunder Awesome! Please DM me with your paypal address (since most folks don't want to just post that info, though if you want to post it here, feel free). Once I have that, I'll send you an invoice. I might be a bit slow sending it since I'm about to sleep, but it will be sent.


Sent. ☺️


plagiiue - Sure. Please DM me your paypal address and I'll send an invoice your way. =)