[28/APR] O: Art and OCs (One-offs/Pop CS) ⭐

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago (Edited 11 months, 19 days ago) by Sanmedare

Collab thread between Sanmedare and unglydumb e92bdc35371b66ad099e4f01cc045285.gif
No need to tag us! We get notifs of the thread for all comments (incl. ungly, just mention its for her!)

♩  If you change your mind or is just poking around at offers, please tell us!
♪  We have listed what we are looking for. Do check before offering.
♫ Try not to offer your whole TH unless you're very very sure that no one is off limits.
Do not ask for resells UNLESS they have a price in their name.


Character trades REHOME (Easy - Hard) / SECONDARY (Tent)
MYO slots can be found HERE.

ART OPTION: Offering art for your characters and MYO slots ! Art samples HERE.[CLOSED] 25e2a496c8204acd1e5c459d86d905e4.gif

RESELL/VOUCHER OPTION: Ping list is available! Go HERE. Please comment there for easy tracking! 


  • Character trades Wish list || dA favs || TH Favs 
    (Not a shopping cart. Does not guarantee anything. Favs are to showcase aesthetic)
  • Character trades > Custom (esp. designers from WL) > MYO Slots > Art (Trade only)
  • I'm not comfortable if you go off-tag. Please don't ask!

15458601?1653500350Ungly's (You can ping me if you'd like, I see your posts regardless!)

Characters for sell/trade UFTS (Easy - Hard)
Sec/Main Characters SECONDARY (Hard - Tent) / MAINS (Tent)
MYO slots can be found HERE[NFTS = Do not ask]

ART OPTION: Offering art for your characters and MYO slots ! Art samples HERE. [CLOSED] 25e2a496c8204acd1e5c459d86d905e4.gif


  • Character trades - Wishlist 
    (This is a reference to what type of designs I like! DO NOT see it as a shopping cart!)
  • Resell/voucher (For UFTS only, if applicable. For some is not a priority. Just ask!)
  • Custom
  • MYO Slots
  • Art (Picky)

moif Feel free to take a look! Otherwise there was probably someone else I was interested in that I could ask ^^/


These were a few that caught my interest in the order I am interested in them! All but the last one here I would do as a straight trade for the Piffi (ie not including the Ashuri slot), the last one I don't presume to know their value but just so far as my interest level goes I would want to trade for that one + the ashuri slot. 


But I know these are all also from your tentative folder, so if you'd rather let me know what others you were possibly interested in for the slot, that's ok too!


moif It's okay!! Unfortunately after some consideration, I find myself liking the designs you have listed more than the cupcake gal orz so I'll back out on the offer ;v;/ I did like someone else but after looking at them again I probably... won't use them   they'd collect dust as well... So sorry to bother you but thank you so much for looking at my offer!!   



No problem at all, thank you for taking the time to look through as well!


Hi there! offer for Sanmedare ~

I offered here a while back haha, Im still interested in Creamy in SECONDARY and I have updated my ufo folder, you may like This design as I took a look at your preferences! Regardless I would love if you could take another look :)



Lotussmilk hey! Thanks for offering but I didn't see anyone I'd like ;v;/ I appreciate you trying to match my preferences tho!!


Aw its no problem!🙏

Just wondering what else you would be looking for, for Cream specifically? 💕

(Edit to tag Sanmedare )


Hello! I want to offer my succubun myo + mint tulep/glowjito (or both?) for the cb dainty myo! I could also grind for the new drink (Fairy Sherry & Gold Fashioned) for you to add for the myo offer if you'd like :D please let me know if you're interested or not!

Thank you for considering! edit : Sanmedare I forgot to specify, sorry!


Lotussmilk I'm not looking for anything specific or strict when it comes to Creamy to be honest ; o ; As long as the offered character is someone I can use I'd be happy to accept!
Sorry it isn't much help-- I suppose an auto-accept for her is milqilin, baobear, or succubun? I can let you know if I find something for a 3-way but don't count on it dfsgds I haven't browsed the trade forums for a couple of years now so I have no idea what's out there gsdfh   

also no need to tag me! I do get notifs of any comments on this thread c: /


SalSethoover996 Hello! It's an auto-accept if you can add-on the event drink too! c: If you're down I'm happy to hold my last CB slot for you~

also no need to tag me! I do get notifs for every comments c:


Okay, thanks for letting me know! 💕
 I saw you are not looking for customs / art (from me xD), but incase maybe if you like anime-ish styles you're happy to look at my art tab in case (most recents haha)

As for a milq, hmm was there a specific type or designer? 🤔 just thinking, because im not in the CS~ but I do see trades around~

And no need to notify me for a 3 way trade, its alright :) 


Okay, thanks for letting me know! 💕
 I saw you are not looking for customs / art (from me xD), but incase maybe if you like anime-ish styles you're happy to look at my art tab in case (most recents haha)

As for a milq, hmm was there a specific type or designer? 🤔 just thinking, because im not in the CS~ but I do see trades around~

And no need to notify me for a 3 way trade, its alright :) 


Lotussmilk I'll look at any designers for milqs   as I think majority of them are pretty okay!

and I'll consider but yeah :"D generally not interested in art offers most of the time regardless of artists dfsgsfd
I like to commission them instead   
although would you ever consider a 3-way if the one I was interested in UFS instead? ^^ I do have to check later if that's against their TOS but lmk if that is an option!


of course I could add the event drink! :D just let me know which drink you want!! though I might not be able to get 2 for the new event drink ><)


SalSethoover996 That's okay! I'd like the Fairy Sherry c: !! I'll put the slot on hold for you <3