
Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by SFA_R

"MeusAmor" Tag = Not up for offers

Everything else is. 


multohhh Ngl , I'm mainly interested in humanoid characters but that's about it for my preferences rn.

And I'd definitely take art for skie and/or nicotine if I don't see any character I'd like fin exchange for them ^^)


multohhh I'd take this gal for Nicotine: https://toyhou.se/12671737.devastate-7-

I didn't see anyone I'd trade for Skie, but I can take art for him, dunno what type/amount you have in mind to offer ^^)


usou I don't think I'll be able to finish the ref soon and I don't want to keep you waiting so instead would you be alright working with this guy: instead:https://toyhou.se/7337256.belial

If not just lmk and I'll swap him, also you can decide if you'd like to do an animation or a chibi, whatever you're more comfortable with ^^)


usou Alright, thanks ^^)


multohhh Sounds good to me ^^)

I'd take the 2 full full 2 busts for Skie, I'll send Nicotine over in a sec.

Would you be alright working with these guys?: https://toyhou.se/14099244.judea-judae https://toyhou.se/13883584.sadie https://toyhou.se/15422846.noctis-v https://toyhou.se/7143190.charly (You can decide who gets what)


Would you consider dA pts for this guy? https://toyhou.se/9512870.k And how much are they worth? :0


selqiies I'm looking for around 5000 to 6000da since the og worth of the adoption is 130USD(but the character I traded for them was worth 45USD) and then I commissioned extra art for them (the pieces all together are worth 50USD), so right now they're worth around 95USD but I'm pricing them around 60-70USD


i could do 6000 pts! just lmk where to send em!


selqiies Here's my DA: https://www.deviantart.com/sarcasticfallenangel

But, could you send/transfer just 270 points first, I'd like to see something real quick ^^)


yeah ofc! it should be sent!


Thanks, everything is good ^^)

Alright, could you send the rest through the commission widget/post here: https://www.deviantart.com/sarcasticfallenangel/shop

And if I'm not mistaken there's still 130 points left, those you can transfer directly like the first 270.

Also, so sorry for the inconveniences/different transactions ^^;)