(P-cate, Chippou) Reselling ocs and OFFERS ON MAIN

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by starhabit

Here are the ocs:screenshot_4_by_starhabit_dee4nka-fullvi

All the ocs to trade/resell here - 

Pan gone

https://toyhou.se/7540918.tilly - 25 usd

https://toyhou.se/4194229.thinking-of-name -160 usd

https://toyhou.se/1676668.val - 100 usd (p-Cate)


My main ones- 

https://toyhou.se/starhabit/characters/folder:799732 - I am looking for more dream designs most of them I could resell but I would like to see what people would offer other wise I think i will keep them T_T 

Ones I am willing to let go  - Chrissy, Red

A lot of the other ones I hold close to my heart and I might let go of them for certain designs T_T I prob wont let go of Locke , lust, Yashiro, Star, Nix, and prob Fuyuki. But that is just probably 

if they dont have how much they are I just have to relook on how much I bought them for I might add more but I want them gone as soon as possible! 


hi!! would you be willing to hold hugo for a bit if possible?


kidmeat ofc!


I get paid Friday, if I can could I hold bunnies? And how much are they ?


Annihilation she would be 70$! :D


I'm just curious if Juliet is for re-sale or was she accidentally included?


dirtriot resale! https://www.deviantart.com/thipkesorn/art/OPEN-Auction-ADOPTABLE-810812391?comment=1%3A810812391%3A4766795265 I did AB them  for $45 I am waiting on the person to reply  


starhabit Ahhh yes ok I'll get them if I'm allowed to put on hold!


Annihilation yes they will be on hold for u ! :D 


Hello, are you considering trades for Val?


Pharos-Chan im more of reselling but I am willing to trade for characters i really like ;- ;


Totally understandable ;o;/ do you have any preferences for designs/cs/artists? 


@Pharos-Chan  im happy to look at anything but okaori, yoofibuns, machomilk, you can look at my favs too https://toyhou.se/starhabit/favorites - I like star themes mostly but I like i sadi am happy to look at anything ^^ 


Pharos-Chan sprry if i tag twitch the other one had a link so idk if it pinged u 


omg sorry for my super late reply!!
unfortunately I don't have any adopts uft from those artists listed, but if anyone from the folders in this link interest you please let me know! If not, no worries, thank you for looking ;w;/ 


Pharos-Chan omg its ok ive  been busy and I dont see anything sorry ;- ; I would rather just resell