🔥 UFS/UFT: Sprinkle Kitty MYO ($281->$200)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by tsukichubun

Selling this Sprinkle Kitty MYO with a reduced price from $281 to $200! You may offer resale ($200) or a mix of money + art/trade!

24241098_xsYeH75i0.png?1632599405I also have other OCs UFO!


You may offer designs/CS not part of this list!

I lean more towards modern/techwear!! Please do not send me LQ designs or several pages!

yukibuns (smoketail, galatier)
kaoree/okaori (lunafel, non-cs)
_-_/lamp (oto-chro, myoto)
Merueki (cs, non-cs)
hacuubi (milqilin, official or MYO)
e-su (serein)
jotaku (blakyre)
chippou (tomu)
hiccnata (fleuros, MYO, slot)
douNAI (boneshard, other CS)

I am NOT looking for mignyans!

If an OC interests me, I can also add-in a mix of EO ocs, art, customs, and/or money! Please offer through DM or comments!

Art examples:  sta.sh (most updated), deviantART, TH archive
My character designs (I’m best with techwear and modern): sta.sh, TH archive 

Thanks guys!


Ah ok I understand! Thanks for getting back to me! 


Do you have any interest in this dainty and/or art for either Masaki or Noel? I also have a cb dainty slot I'm EO on but I probably wouldn't trade it for either of them by themselves.


MontBlanc They’re cute but I’ll have to pass ;O;! Thank you for the offer!


duldragin Hi!! I’m not interested in slots currently, and I’ll have to pass on the premade ;O; Thank you for the offer!


hello!! would https://toyhou.se/4849092.-miruku-tomu- interest you for a liddol cheebee custom!! im not looking for anything too complicated btw!! and they're a chippou tomu design @__@


usagibeat Hi!! I’m interested! If you don’t mind a 1-2 month wait, can you DM me with more info? Thanks!


Would you mind if i dm'd you on discord? ;v;// if not the inbox here is fine <3


usagibeat Sure!!!!!!!


Would you take a frankenhound myo slot for any of the sprinkle kitties? I am struggling with my idea for it tbh and ended up getting some premade frankies so I’m not super stuck on keeping the myo slot but if you aren’t interested I’m definitely fine with keeping it lol


SpaceSheepy Hi again!! Unfortunately I’m not looking for slots at the moment! Thank you for the offer!

Saku SpaceSheepy

Oh that’s ok! Any chance you’d be interested in this Frankie? 


SpaceSheepy They’re cute but I’m going to pass ;O;!! Thank you!


Ah ok no worries!