🔥 UFS/UFT: Sprinkle Kitty MYO ($281->$200)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by tsukichubun

Selling this Sprinkle Kitty MYO with a reduced price from $281 to $200! You may offer resale ($200) or a mix of money + art/trade!

24241098_xsYeH75i0.png?1632599405I also have other OCs UFO!


You may offer designs/CS not part of this list!

I lean more towards modern/techwear!! Please do not send me LQ designs or several pages!

yukibuns (smoketail, galatier)
kaoree/okaori (lunafel, non-cs)
_-_/lamp (oto-chro, myoto)
Merueki (cs, non-cs)
hacuubi (milqilin, official or MYO)
e-su (serein)
jotaku (blakyre)
chippou (tomu)
hiccnata (fleuros, MYO, slot)
douNAI (boneshard, other CS)

I am NOT looking for mignyans!

If an OC interests me, I can also add-in a mix of EO ocs, art, customs, and/or money! Please offer through DM or comments!

Art examples:  sta.sh (most updated), deviantART, TH archive
My character designs (I’m best with techwear and modern): sta.sh, TH archive 

Thanks guys!


kikos Unfortunately I can’t because he has no monetary value! I can only trade or accept art ;O;


kikos In my EO tag, Misaki, Noel, Kousei, and Xoai cannot be sold for money! However, money-only offers for any of my kits are really, really low priority ;O;!


If you’re able to sell grant how much would you want for him? I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him, sorry to be back again lol, just out of your sprinkits i for some reason keep thinking specifically about him so I figured I’d see if you’d sell him


SpaceSheepy His worth is his slot ($35) but I won’t sell or trade him easily bc he’s the most tentative ;O;! 


Ah I totally understand! I’d love to buy him but I understand if you won’t sell him! He’s a total dreamie of mine and I’ve been thinking about him for weeks, honestly he’s probably my favorite sprinkle kitty lol, unfortunately I probably don’t have anything for trade that would interest you so I’d only be able to buy him but if you wanna look I have these https://toyhou.se/SpaceSheepy/characters/tags:1/tagged:Mft for trade. I also wanted to ask about bri because she’s my other favorite, and she’d be really cute with my sprinkit garnet lol 


SpaceSheepy I don’t think I’d trade or sell Grant or Bri easily unfortunately! I’m going to have to pass ;O;!


Are there any which you would sell? I’m honestly interested in quite a few others but I don’t wanna be too annoying, you just have some of the cutest sprinkits I’ve seen lol


SpaceSheepy I honestly am trying to avoid selling any of them off the bat, so I can’t say for sure which ones I’d sell at the moment!


Ah ok well I’m also super interested in ruby and kaeden, I have potential ideas for both of them, would you sell either of them? 


SpaceSheepy Just assume I won’t sell any of them for now ;O; I’m prioritizing art and trades!


Ah ok sorry to bother you then! Would my trades that I linked before interest you for any of them?


SpaceSheepy I’m not interested in anything you’re offering, sorry!


Ah that’s ok!