O:(Eeray, Minnoux, etc) LF: Trades/Art

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by Ghastah



@sir-prince I'm sorry, but I didn't see anyone I would use!


Hhh I'm in love with Khari! Does anyone from my trade account or my tent tag interest you?


Loli I'm sorry, but I didn't see anyone I would use!


Alright no problem thank you for taking the time to look <3!


Loli I don't suppose you'd be willing to offer art for her? Your style is so gorgeous!  -stalked your art examples- XD


Ghastah Oh sure! I'm flattered you like my art haha! What kind of art are you interested in from me ^ q ^? Anime or Semi? Also, we can move this to PMs for further discussion about how much art you want for her <3


Guro-Boy He's super cute, but I think I'm going to pass for now, sorry! 


@DiamondFusion I'm sorry, but I don't think I would use either! 


/flies in from your other thread
I am interested in https://toyhou.se/996913.-#3656429 !!
I can offer character(s) from here: https://toyhou.se/Pharos-Chan/characters/folder:91730  (Kinapak is the only one I am not looking to trade atm, but the others should be fair game! )
In addition I can add a custom design / outfit custom done in this style X if you are interested! 


Pharos-Chan I'm super sorry, but I didn't see anyone I would use! -sorry for being so picky! XD -


not a problem! ;v ; no need to apologize~ If you dont see something you like there's no shame in rejecting the offer xD 

Would it be okay if I tried to pursue a 3-way trade? I'm just so in love with that design xD
Or is there something you have your eyes on that maybe I could try and get for you?


Pharos-Chan So kind, thanks hon! c:

I'm okay with a 3-way trade. If you post a thread, I can link it to my main post if you'd like. (:

For my interests, I'm really only looking for Desert/High Fantasy themed designs right now. I'm looking for them to fit into this story. 


Hey! Sorry for my late response! I'll try and throw a thread together asap ;v;b  thank you!