Half Price Sale, Please Buy!

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 24 days, 12 hours ago) by Hellzor

Hi! And welcome to this lovely thread of mine!
I have so many stuff that i'm trying to get it of them.
Where i just don't want them anymore as i completely lost interest in these designs!

~Designs: For Sale~

~General Rules~
1. Please leave a comment on here with the link of said character.
(This is for Freebie ONLY!!!)

2. Please Note me, if you're planning on buying from me!
(I rather handle this in private than out in public...)

3. Don't have the money to buy the adopt right away? It can be on hold up to 1 week ONLY!!!
(Failure to paid for it, will result the adopt to be put right back up for resell without any warning at all!)

4. Please be Patience, i shall respond back to you as quick as possible!
(We all have lives out in the real world, So i'm often doing something else instead of constantly checking Toyhouse!)



and https://toyhou.se/172557.15-

Your example is 30 get a 10 dollar for free, but the slot is 35 if I remember right~ so I could I get this 15 dollar boy for free. :3?



I'm sorry, but that's way over 10$ for the cutie.
The price has to be either at 10$ or under 10$, so he can't be for free. :C
But your welcome to looked for another character to get for free and i can still resell the myo slot for you, if you like! :3c


Then this one https://toyhou.se/1846397.10- 

and the slot. Does that work then for the 35?


Yes, that does work for the freebie!
We shall continue this in notes


Hi! I've sent you a PM for further notice!


Is this lad still available? https://toyhou.se/14309063.-10
I'd love to buy them if so :0


Yes, they are! I shall Note you! :D


Hi, I really like https://toyhou.se/15917276.-10!

Would anyone in this folder happen to catch your eye for a trade? https://toyhou.se/slimeapplez/characters/folder:172634



So sorry for my extremely late responds, i was sleeping irl!
But went ahead and check over the cuties in your folder and none of them spark my interest sadly. ;;


Looking at your rules for freebies you can adopt a character by drawing one of your ocs or wta

Wouldn't drawing one of your ocs make it a trade then? /Gen