Last character giveaway please give them a home

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 2 years, 15 days ago) by Syunthia

They're yours for a taking if you want them!
FCFS please give them a good home! ; w ;



svck_r I'm sorry that I pinged you late!! But after considering I will decline your offer, thank you for offering! ; 7 ; 


mufifins I didn't see anybody I would connect with and though your art is lovely I will have to decline as I would like to try to see if I could trade them for characters I'd use more first! ; v ; )) //


Mawcie Don't worry because timezones aksdhkas I was in bed too! I would prefer to just trade the premade daint for him sorry ; v ; 

ren-jpg Sorry but the character don't interest me hhhh I'll pass on the art for the daint too ; Q ; )) //


Good luck with trades! ♡


bit tentative, but would either of these kowaiko interest you for the dainty or the dainty slot? ;0;/


MelonMilk Ohh they do interest me quite a bit!

hinatot The first kowaiko does interest me!


Actually if it's okay im going to retract my offer, sorry for the trouble ; w ;


Mawcie Thank you for understanding! I'd still be down to trade him for the myo dainty so I'll send the transfer on my part when I see yours!

MelonMilk thats fine!


Mawcie Sorry for the wait again aksjdhs I was busy and didn't manage to check TH for a bit. I've sent the transfer of the premade daint over and accepted your transfer! And I'll definitely keep you in mind if I do plan to trade/ resell him c: