Last character giveaway please give them a home

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 2 years, 15 days ago) by Syunthia

They're yours for a taking if you want them!
FCFS please give them a good home! ; w ;



NotDamien I remember you being interested in them ; v ; )) // The original unedited file is the second image~
If you're down to rehome them please send the payment to and I'll transfer them over to you c:


NotDamien Ah sorry I forgot I had it hidden ajksdhask you should be able to see it know 'D and sure! Just let me know when you do c:


NotDamien Transfer sent! Thank you for rehoming :D


oralite as long as the offer interest me more than the slot then it'll be a okay!~


oralite could I have some examples of the art? c:

duldragin I'm sorry but I didn't see anybody I'd be interested in!


vocaloid sorry I didn't see any I would trade the slot for!

oralite I will have to pass because I don't really think any of my kids fit your artstyle but thank you for the tempting offer!! ; v ;  


no worries thanks for looking!