Posted 10 months, 17 days ago (Edited 15 days, 3 hours ago) by HybridiumX

Key note: Anything with (TEMP) in the title is only up for sale temporarily and will likely be removed from sale once I have funds.

Current funds (updated 05/16/24): $50/$630 (For June rent)

Payments accepted: PayPal, Cashapp, Venmo (willing to open more types if people use them and I can easily make an account, please ask)

Reg sales here: https://toyhou.se/HybridiumX/characters/folder:308028

Slightly more tentative (mixed with sales) here: https://toyhou.se/HybridiumX/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:You%20can%20pry%20them%20from%20my%20cold%20dead%20hands

Updates below~


Edit 5/22/24: Time is running close to out. I'm still on the waiting list for Section 8 housing but I need to find something soon. I'm hoping this will be the last month if all goes well as I'm trying to work with the housing agency with potentially using my current apartment for it. It's been a slow process but we'll see how it goes. I'm potentially willing to sell some ocs that aren't in the links above but there's a few I'm super tentative with (some are gifts and some are very personal) but you can definitely ask as I'm getting pretty desperate and money has not been coming in with sales.

Edit 5/6/24: FUNDS FOR MAY RENT GOTTEN! Thank you all so much! I'm now working on June since I was late again for May and the landlord didn't seem to happy about that...

Edit 4/9/24: It turns out that with how hard it is to find rentals around here that accept section 8 that it might take a month or so to find one that fits standards. So I guess I'm keeping this open for awhile longer. :/

Edit 4/4/24: So due to a storm locally on the day the Section 8 meeting thing was supposed to be it might be rescheduled for next month. And with bills starting to pile up again I seem to have little choice but to open this once more. :/

Edit 3/28/24: APRIL RENT GOTTEN <3 I'm hoping this will be the last month for this since Section 8 should be working out but I'll keep this up til I'm 100% out of the red. Thank you all who have bought things from me, I really appreciate it <3

Edit 3/27/24: Only $200 more and I'll have April rent - Anything helps right now, please offer away! <3

Edit 3/23/24: SO CLOSE TO HAVING APRIL RENT - KEEP THEM OFFERS COMING IN, ANYTHING COUNTS <3 Also as a side note this may end up being the last month I have emergency sales for rent if all goes well. I got a letter back from Section 8 so my rent will be controlled if I can find a place that accepts it and hopefully has a one floor and allows animals (I have a semi elderly dog). Fingers crossed all goes well. <3

Edit 3/9/24: GOT MARCH RENT - Now working on trying to get ahead for April. Thank you so much to everyone who donated / bought things <3 ^^

Edit 3/6/24: Had to pay min of half for internet bill or they'd shut me off. Since I'm making money with sales I had to pay. Now funds are at $534/$630. 

Edit 3/3/24: Had $230 but needed supplies / groceries for the apartment and spent more than I intended to. So at $195 as of this post. Still trying to reach my rent goal. Any help appreciated.

Edit 2/20/24: Still haven't been getting any sales for a bit... I'm willing to take smaller amounts for most of them. Please offer. Anything helps. Rent is due for March by the 1st and nothing is working.

Edit 2/15/24: Still no word back from potential ways to have money and medical issues are not getting solved fast enough. Keeping this open to hopefully get rent for March. Anything helps.

Edit 1/29/24: Thanks to an incredibly generous donator I have enough for February rent. I'll be keeping this up for now since I still do not have an income but I have rent for February, which is incredible. <3

Edit 1/23/24: Haven't gotten any sales so far, really trying to get Feb rent paid by the 1st so anything would be super helpful rn. Still need about $400 for rent. Not counting utility bills that are coming up either. Please feel free to ask about pricing, most I am open to dropping the price a bit on.

Edit 1/16/24: So I'm reopening this again since nothing else is working out for trying to get money while I'm still dealing with medical issues. I'm willing to talk over prices and potentially do short-term payment plans (as long as money is put down first) on things if needed. 

Edit: 1/7/24: I have reached my funds goal, thank you all so much! <3 - I'll be keeping this open in case something else comes up (since I'm still not getting paid atm) but hopefully I can get shit sorted. Rent is paid now, which was the important part ^^

Edit: 01/03/24: I got a notification that I was denied my LTD benefits. Which I'm disappointed but not surprised I guess. So right now I have no other way to make money other than character sales at this time. As of posting this update I am currently $415/$630 so I still need a bit more to sell so I can make ends meet and not get kicked out. Please feel free to offer lower on things, I'm genuinely in need of a miracle to make this months rent. For more expensive things I'm willing to drop down to half price for most if not all of them. 

Edit: 12/30/23 (part two): Okay so update - I talked to the landlord about the situation and I was told as long as I pay half now they'll be lenient for a a week or so about the payment since I usually tend to be early with rent payments. So I've paid half of it now and I'm going to keep sales up til I have the rest. Hopefully I'll hear back from the LTD application soon and I won't have to worry about this anymore.

Edit 12/30/23: I only have today and tomorrow to get the full rent funds and it's looking like I might not be reaching my goal unless I somehow manage to get $255 or so between now and tomorrow. I'm willing to make more expensive adopts cheaper but I don't know what else to do. I'm also willing to take donations too if there's nothing you wish to buy. I'm really scared because I only have today and tomorrow to get this done and I can't imagine it's feasible with everything going as it has. Idk what to do.

Edit 12/27/23: Paperwork got given over and I should see something in like a week on whether I'm approved or denied. Unfortunately that won't be til after the first, which doesn't help the current situation. I'm still at $200/$630 (sales have been incredibly slow unfortunately) and I'm honestly scared I'm not gonna make it in time. I've put up a few more characters I'd normally be unwilling to part with for sale. If there's anything you'd like to buy or would like to negotiate a price on please let me know. I'm willing to take lower offers on quite a few that aren't labeled "(TEMP)" as those are only temporarily up for offer due to the issue currently at hand. You can ask about ones not listed as for sale as well, I may be open to selling them with everything going on. Some are personal so I might be hesitant but I'll definitely consider it.

Edit 12/22/23: Finally got the paperwork sent to my dr, waiting on them to fill that out. Still not going to be ready in time for rent so I'm still trying to get that money together. Currently have $200/$630 but still a long way to go.

Edit 12/20/23: Just updated the sales with even more characters I'm willing to sell. I also updated the extag thing so you'll see more that I've opened for potential offers that aren't technically listed for sale. There's now about 9 pages of ocs in that one. I'm pretty desperate rn so I'm more open to selling stuff than normal. I still haven't gotten a callback from the LTD place so I have no idea if anything is even gonna go through. My only hope rn is character sales and it's been slow as fuck with that. I only have til the end of the month to have the money and pay or I'm faced with eviction. I really have no idea what else I can do rn.

Edit 12/19/23: Still having trouble reaching them and was informed by dr that they never got anything from them. Since rent is needed by the 31st I'm putting more characters up for temp sale (they have TEMP in their title/tag) and I'm open to offers on others not listed for sale. I'm getting desperate as I genuinely don't wanna get evicted and it's looking like a possibility rn. Sharing or buying or even just bumping helps a ton. I need to make $630 by the 31st. There's only a few I genuinely won't take offers on since they're very personal but like 95% of my TH is open to offers atm. 

Edit 12/16/23: They apparently left a message and I'm told they're waiting on the Drs to send them medical records. I'm hoping this is taken care of soon but I have my doubts. Still taking offers at this time.

Edit 12/14/23: Still no word from them despite me filling out even more paperwork they requested. I am awaiting a return call but still nothing so far. Rent is going to be coming up soon and I don't even have half of it. Anything helps at this point. I'm even willing to potentially sell characters in my TH that aren't posted for sale or take lower prices for ones currently up for sale. Bumping or sharing this would be fantastic but I really could use some sales at this point.

Edit 11/26/23: Despite filling out the paperwork and sending it numerous times I have still not heard back if / when I'll be getting paid again. I managed to make rent with selling some stuff and some help from a friend but I'm still trying to make money for bills and next months rent. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you see something and would like to try making a lower offer feel free to. I may accept depending on how tentative said character is / how much you're offering for them. 

Edit 11/2/23: So I've been informed that there will be a pause on my income for now from work due to a paperwork issue that my Dr has to work on. So I might not be getting paid for a bit. I've put up even more things for sale. I'll probably have to sell even more. Feel free to look through what I've added and make some offers if you'd like. I'm just trying to make sure I stay afloat at this point.

Edit 10/20/23: I've been changed over from reg med leave to extended med leave and there's gonna be a gap in payments and as of right now I have $15 in my account and I'm about to be overdrafted for an autopay bill that I can't stop. Any help would be appreciated at this point. I'm willing to take lower prices on most ocs (minus a couple I'm still rather attached to) but please make some offers so I don't get fucked by the bank.

Edit 8/24/23: Okay so I'm now starting to get paid through temp disability via my work. It's less than I would normally make but it's def better than nothing. Sales are a bit less urgent now but I'll be keeping it up til I feel comfortable. I have enough for next months rent at this time, which I'm thankful for. Gonna keep what I have up for sale just in case things go south with work / payments (since I've had issues before). 

Edit 8/11/23: Okay so I still haven't been getting paid through work so I'm down to nothing in my bank right now. I've put up more characters for sale / offer. Please make offers, I could really use money right now for groceries and laundry (since my apartment doesn't have a hookup and I have to hitch a ride to get to the closest one near me).

Edit 7/27/23: Was able to make rent thanks to everyone who's bought something so far, thank you! But I'm still up in the air with making money since I'm not able to work atm - so this will stay open until everything is properly sorted.

I made a bulletin about this but the jist is that I've been having medical problems and today I was told that I cannot work until I'm medically cleared, which means I may not have money for rent.

I've tagged ones I won't sell and removed them from the link below - Anything visible is open to offers. Things without prices in the name you will have to offer a min of their value for me to consider it since they're more tentative. Things with prices I may be open to lower prices (unless I just added them, then I might be a tad tent). Please feel free to look through and you can comment or DM me offers.

Reg sales here: https://toyhou.se/HybridiumX/characters/folder:308028

Slightly more tentative (mixed with sales) here: https://toyhou.se/HybridiumX/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:You%20can%20pry%20them%20from%20my%20cold%20dead%20hands

Currently trying to make enough money for rent but bills are going to come up as well so I'm going to try to shoot for $1000 if possible for some level of cushion money


Okay since sales are a bit slower than anticipated I'm adding a bonus.

Anyone who buys a character valued at $100 or more will get their choice of picking a free character from the ones below as a bonus.












