lf: dreamies or scarftails. o: $ / designs

Posted 9 months, 12 days ago (Edited 9 months, 12 days ago) by misumisu

here are the designs im offering
i also MIGHT offer $$ if its the right design. just please note i WILL require a payment plan for anything relatively expensive.
i am fine w/ myo slots being offered, too.
willing to do multiple designs + money for a special-trait dreamy or special-trait slot.


Hiya! I'm selling a bunch of dreamies here
I'm aware theyre quite expensive, so I'm more than happy to do extended payment plans if needed, or potential price cuts for faster payment plans or full payment (of discount price)


Hi! I have 2 scarftail myos up for sale if you are interested :D one is 65 usd (can sell by itself up to 55 usd if you want too ^^) and the other 40 usd :> I can sell both for 90 usd.