UFS MANTISPIRE, Rune-ko, Mogz, + HQ

Posted 6 months, 10 days ago (Edited 4 days, 9 hours ago) by st4rd4st

(Updated 5/5/24) Hello! Ive been struggling to develop and I been holding onto this kids without results and after giving it a good thought I concluded they just be better off somewhere else to be loved and I could really use the cash bc my life situation is kinda icky so here we are


👁️‍🗨️Opia by Rune-ko with a unique gem trait (worth 200€ now) https://toyhou.se/14539950.torch I love them so much theyre so beautiful but I dont really have a place for them + pretty complex to draw for me ;v;

👁️‍🗨️MANTISPIRE/MACHINA bug themed anthro desing, same case as the opia hmg theyre worth110€ https://toyhou.se/2922808.damascus

👁️‍🗨️(ON HOLD) CB slot, only looking at art form my fav artists or characters from Favourites nothing else, but will it add on as gift if you purchase any of the above kiddos full value https://toyhou.se/26464250.cb-dainty-slot 

👁️‍🗨️(OHN HOLD) MYO Venos designed by me with a handful arts, a chibi by ba-mot and animated icon by Yasukani among them: 85€ https://toyhou.se/3847469.viridian Price includes updating the ref as the art is oldish now HH

👁️‍🗨️Demon dragonlike anthro by Hashii (80€) Love them but I just dont use em... https://toyhou.se/11027676.crimson

👁️‍🗨️Creepy deer by Tailom, comes with anthro-humanoid and feral form (65€) https://toyhou.se/15616049.creepy-deer-65eur 

👁️‍🗨️Rare-Rapturous Vullowisp MYO slot (40-50€ its more of their value bc I wanna design it for you I just love drawing Vullos hahah) https://toyhou.se/2673245.rarerap-vullowisp-slot-ufs

-Also got this Moggie made Vullowisp https://toyhou.se/2647499.matcha but I cannot sell them as I got em through trade so Im only looking at swaps for other Moggie made vullos, charas in Favourites or art if I follow you, will also gift them to you if your total purchase goes 200€ or over

👁️‍🗨️Feral Angelic beast by RotatingSock: 40€ https://toyhou.se/22431210.pathos 

And here is my regular sales and trades bulletin with other charas, I update regularly with any moves and where I accept art as well and give freebies: https://toyhou.se/~forums/13.adoption-center/91348.updated-2810-hq-humanoids-anthros-ferals-lf 

>The only thing I will look at besides of cash its characters from my Favourites DO NOT SEND UNSOLICITED OFFERS TO OWNERS (Unless they have charas clearly UFO/UFS/UFT ofc), Not everyone is a guaranteed autoaccept but depending on who you offer I will just trade or even give multiples

Do not offer anything else Im not interested

>I can haggle within reason, esp if you offering sale + trade, to adjust values, and will also do discounts if you buy more than 1 chara (like for example you wanna grab the dreamy slot and the angel beast I would let go both of them for 175€), the more charas you buy at once the bigger the discount will be

>I wont do holds but small payment plans are allowed (if you ghost me without proper explanation you wont get the deposit back keep that in mind, Im so tired of ghosting and scammers)

Payment is via Paypal or Ko-fi! (thats lets you pay w a card too as well)

>3-ways are cool as long as everyone is on the same page, I will put them below if any pop out

Comment here or DM any offers tysm🌟


SunnsetCadett You never owned a daint before or you had and got none now? Cuz I only apply a discount in the first case I know how tricky was to get into them for me and just want to help a bit <x3c


SunnsetCadett Then I would let them go for 200€! When I appraised them I didnt include the comic and the pin up so theyre worth even more the official price


RAMONA-FLOWERS Oh gosh it has been a big while since I checked the rules then AA

Ill change my offer then, ty for telling me!


RAMONA-FLOWERS No but it can be resold as it is, thats how I got it! It cannot be traded without being designed first but umbral wind said resells are fine