I forgot that forums existed and I have barely used them before so bear with me, please. ๐Ÿ’–

This will stay open until they are all gone.

I am looking to trade away most of the one-off characters in my toyhouse for art!

I do not use one-offs very often any more but back in 2018-2021-ish I was a huge character hoarder, I just grabbed every cool friend I possibly could, and, lo and behold, they are all still sitting unused in my toyhouse. ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ

I do still enjoy these designs but I have little to no attachment to them. So I would love to trade them for art of my characters that I do use if anyone is interested!

๐Ÿ‘‡Please only offer on characters in this folder and the attached sub folders!!! ๐Ÿ‘‡


Main folder includes characters from a wide variety of designers!
Fan character folder includes Homestuck, Mha, Steven Universe, and more!

Art offers only!

No character swaps or customs. No Currency of any kind.

Not picky about style, medium, or amount!

Not fcf but it's likely that I will auto accept all offers if you're being fair. ^^ย 

Not tentative on any but might be a bit selective with some depending on how much/what I initially payed for them.

Mainly looking for art of my Griffolk (Closed Species) or humanoid characters but I also have some regular anthro characters you can draw instead if you don't want to draw griffolk or humans. (I do not have animal/feral ocs for you to draw, I apologize,)

Character will not be transferred to you until you have completed the art (Unless we have traded before, in which case I can transfer after wips). I will list the character as pending to you and put it in the pending folder!

You can have as long as you'd like to finish the art but I am trying to get them off my profile as fast as possible so please be reasonable. xD

Feel free to comment here, on the character, or dm me if interested! (If I do not respond feel free to give me a poke after a couple of days, I lose track of messages easily..)

You may also reach out on Discord if preferred, my username there is CityDandelion !

Thank you for taking a look! ๐Ÿ’–



Sounds great, thank you so much! :DD
I will mark the character as pending for you! ^^
Let me know if you need me to choose someone else instead of Bellamy, I am totally fine giving you a different character to draw if it doesn't work out! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™



Sounds perfect to me! :DD

Would you be okay drawing these guys?


Of course :D