
Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 4 years, 7 months ago) by Hound3



@starwisp  sorry for the delay ;; i been thinking about the offer and i am sorry but i will have to decline for now


does anybody in my th interest you for either https://toyhou.se/1342021.sam or https://toyhou.se/1678890.delsin ? (no on ayleth!) https://toyhou.se/darkrai/characters/folder:all


darkrai you got really nice characters but I am afraid I wouldn't have use for any of them I am sorry, for delsin I am more interested to trade for art rather than characters 


I absolutely adore https://toyhou.se/1678890.delsin! Would my style interest you at all? (Examples Here)


@tivanirillo your style is really nice but I am afraid now what I look for right now I am very sorry ;;


Could offer art for Delsin? ;v;/ I still like his design otl TwT


@xxskillcyxx  I really like these two styles  http://fav.me/dbw5ftr / http://fav.me/dbw16xr ;;v;; how much would you offer for Delsin ? I got him at the worth 50 usd
also did you get my pm with teh wip ? ; _ ;


Oh I forgot to note back due some sickness ahh ;v; It looks perfect plz go on with it ;v; <333

I have a super full list tbh so ufff. One cheeb and two or three of those heads maybe? ;;


@xxskillcyxx uff ok i keep going on it ; 7 ; !

I don't mind waiting as long it be done in the end ; o ; would totally trade for cheeb and 3 heads 


Kay then pm me wich characters u want and may brief personality (3 or 4 words lel) and if u have ideas/wishes for pose and expression ;v;/