looking for neopets items !!

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by revival

hello !! new thread as i lost the old one,, whoops

i am trading/reselling characters here: https://toyhou.se/1036001.trade-resell-folder/gallery

and i am also trading/reselling these LH's: https://toyhou.se/superhglg/characters/folder:307679 (BACK UP)

For offering, please just be fair with your offers. Thank you. I'm also willing to accept neopet items, please comment with specifics especially for neopet items.


i wish i could tag myself rip


Hey, you have a thread history now so you can always fine your old threads :3


Fehn really : o? where is that by chance ? (for future reference lol)


You can find it in the forum menu, but it might look different then mine if you're on mobile...

try this link though? 


It should take you to all the threads you've created :3


I'm interested in them: https://toyhou.se/1036001.trade-resell-folder/gallery#3803752 Would you trade them for her?: https://toyhou.se/1473070.none#5326579


Fehn oh wow, thank you so much :o !!

@gr0ttie my apologies, but i'll pass. thank you very much though !!

 TRADED AWAY Micy-chan

I know this will not be accepted otl, but I still wanna try. I have this bab here and can add a bunch of art in this style (everything from chibi to full illustrations) https://xxskillcyxx.deviantart.com/art/P-S-T-A-R-Akira-712015158
For Chiffon

For the other two I can sadly only ofder art atm and characters from here: https://sta.sh/2urw9gb9f2p?edit=1 and https://sta.sh/224kjgmpk6uv?edit=1
For either one or together depends on character TwT


@xxskillcyxx I will have to pass on the offer for chiffon my apologies ;o; it took me a bit to consider it,, then i realized i couldn't draw wings ;o;

I did like these characters though: https://sta.sh/217bhuejj3ky and https://sta.sh/22ga6am157j0 ? (and would consider art, but I do really like these babes aaaa)


It's okay otl I can understand cuz Chiffon is an adorable lil thing //pats him// I would buy but I will never have 300 usd oml But he surely is worth it TwT I would offer my merman bab Sylar he is worth similar but my heart would hurt so much otl //lays

Oh we can surely talk about a trade for either if them! Just say who of you LH are you willing to trade for either of them ;; William is actually a way easier to snatch than Lyo since he is planed in my story as the MC brother so he is quite ten but I can surely work something out TwT <3


@xxskillcyxx I do payment plans and I am willing to negotiate the price down/combine it with art aha !! no worries though~ like,,, $150 + some art, including a payment plan

aa https://toyhou.se/303946.trade for william ?? and i'd also be willing to trade eclair, but for lyo if you're willing ?? if not,, art is always an option as i;d love art of yours !!


I can't not love Luckychimes,,,


For neopets stuffs, were you looking for any brushes or potions in particular?



I'm looking for the Spotted Brush, x2 Water Brush (unless Water Draik potion is used) and the Woodland Brush. Morphing potion wise I'm looking for a Spotted Lupe MP and Water Draik MP.

This is a general list though aaa



Aaaa thats ok!! I could offer a spotted pb for the Chime if thats okay? ;0; it'll take me a day or two to get it, but I can offer that!

Edit: I can possibly get the woodland one as well! Just noticed you mentioned the Chime has 6+ art added on, so I feel like 2 PBs would be more fair :')



if that's possible for the 2 pbs, i'd love to accept the offer < 3