characters FT/S

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by Perikoala



I’d like to be considered for either of them , thank you ;__;/ (my longy needs friends laughs )


I'd like to be considered for either of them too! ;w; (I would also like to be considered for lake or blue vanilla)
thank you!


I would love to be considered for the first one! I love purple... 


Please keep tutti fruit close ttey are adorable and one of my fave


pkii paeon DemonicAdversary thanks for your comments! I'll write your names down and consider! I'll try to make a decision asap : >

Faunicorn Be at ease! Tutti is a hard one ;3


I would love a chance at either! the one on the left especially is just... stunning. I already mentioned it on DA on one of your earlier posts, but ive been trying to find a longthing for so long, thank you for the opportunity!


dislocation @mkats-dad OK, I will consider!   


Can I please be considered for the second longthing? ;o; I'm in love with their design and I've been looking for one of these babies for so long ahhhh,,


nooooo perri /cries/ is this the end of an era- must u love and let go-


Hello I would love to be considered for the second one! 

Thank you for your time.


Throws dinari or ishna in for lake


tapperhed @gwiihan The right longthing is already sold. Thanks for your time and interest, though!

Faunicorn Let me think about it!

Gelly I have so many, I feel bad they're collecting dust. So even if it makes me sad, I have to let them go   


Ahh it's alright I understand. In that case, can I ask to be considered for the left? They are very lovely as well and I'd love the chance to have them ;;