Acc Purge // LF: OCs/Art/$$ NewJan7

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 8 months ago) by Aztrex

Looking for some new designs to work with as most of mine I have lost the muse for now..

I am looking for $$(priority), new designs, or even art in exchange.

The OCs/Designs I am trading; <- everything on this account <- everything here. Which is Everything on my account except for my namesake, Aztrex

Please offer whatever :) if you link folders of OCs, please let me know who you will not trade, as I don't want to look at one and get inspiration for it just to be told no.
Looking at humanoids, anthros, ferals, monsters etc.


kyle i only really like nobu and kind of qiu

Otherwise what would you offer? :3


KingPrawn Hmmmm I kind of like these kids?? In no particular order

I am extremely tentative on Syrus, tho, so i'd really have to think on any offer


KingPrawn Hmmmm i'll have to think on it for Sy :3 I would probably have to have Flores or Aequitas in the trade to consider it though as they're the two i'd use the most ;^;

Are there any there you'd trade for Shep in the meantime?


KingPrawn I would definitely use him, though i'd have to think on it(is your offer for Sy Aequitas only?)

I would 100% be open to trading any of the kids I liked for Shep, so feel free to just let me know what you decide there :)


KingPrawn I will have another look when im home a bit later and get back to you :3

And okie!! Please just let me know <3


KingPrawn I went through the kids again and really thought about it.. And sadly tho I love Aequitas, I don't think I could trade Syrus as Aeq is the only one I have an absolute solid story for, and Marsh, but.. yeah

sorry ;w;


Hello! I'm super interested in these two:
I'd love to offer art! ( Examples )
But here's my trade folder too in case you see anyone in there:


WestSparrow sorry, really only looking to sell that second one and i saw no one in your trade folder sorry

What would you offer in art for chaser and i may consider


Aztrex That's okay! And for Chaser, I'd definitely be willing to draw a fullbody! Preferably feral or anthro ^ ^