Hello, due to a financial problem, I can no longer afford to keep my beautiful designs even though I still love them so much :(

Only designs not for sale are Alexandrite(according to Astronym's TOS about the Wish species) and my original designs. I am very iffy on Ourania and will try to sell other designs before I think about selling her. Those interested will be on a first in line basis so if you are interested, leave a comment about her and I will contact you in order of comment received. She was one of the first Queen Esprits and expensive plus has a lot of art, therefore she is my most expensive character I own and the most dear to me, so please understand I cannot be much more flexible on her price.

Link to all characters: https://toyhou.se/TwinCrowns/characters/folder:all

If I forgot to put a price, please let me know! Thank you :)


I am interested in Ourania if you decide to sell her. I would be willing to pay the price listed.


Interested in Vertina and Ourania!


@hexen-breaker I'll sell Vertina to you now if you'd like. Send me a PM and I'll give you my PayPal :) @cindyjeans you'd be first to be contacted in a few days if I'm selling Ourania or not. I should know more about my financial needs then!


AAaah, much appreciated~ I hope to hear back from you if you do decide to part with her. She is absolutely lovely! 

I wish you all the best and good luck selling in the mean time.


If Araunya's still available, could I possibly buy her...? /;<;


Zeda Yes, just PM me a hello so I can send you my pp address :) @cindyjeans I'll definitely let you know! I've been holding onto these designs for so long because they mean a lot to me, but I know real life issues are more important right now ;;


Bump, decided to take offers on Tsura too! Has lots of nice art :)


@StefBani Not selling her right now but maybe $60 OBO if I do?


Heading to bed so I might be delayed, but interested in: https://toyhou.se/73080.aishe


@hexen-breaker Yay, alright! You have my PayPal address still?


Yes, payment should of been sent! :3


@hexen-breaker I'll check and send the transfer after I confirm :) Thank you! @senren Sure. She has a "co-owner", did you see that? I'll put you in contact with them if you like. I never really had much contact with them unfortunately but we both just kind of bought art for the design. If you are okay with this let me know!


Wonderful, thank you so much.