W: Resales or art Wicked/Yllande/Astronym

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by Valery

Trade Hub

Anything on my trade account is an automatic yes, will consider pwyw/haggle offers as well. Payment plans will be allowed. Just need to pay for medical bills more then having adopts right now.

My main account is very tentative, but will consider offers right now, generally anything with a finished profile will be a no, but I'm doing a big purge as of late so offers are allowed. I may add more later, not yet determined.


  1. Wicked Design: $400, 19 art pieces, prefer to sell with her, total is $700 together
  2. Wicked design: $100, 27 art pieces
  3. Dreaming-witch design: $12
  4. Dreaming-Witch design: $35
  5. Dreaming-witch design: $55
  6. Lana-Jay design: $11
  7. Ani-mitsu design: $14
  8. Hexen-Breaker design: $11

Vouchers, amazon giftcard only

  1. Astronym design: $25
  2. Hexen-breaker design: $11

HTML by lowkeywicked


HeartlessSpade No thank you, my Esprits probably won't leave me anytime soon.


May I be notified if the Lilanero comes off hold? ; o;


Cinnamouse I already have a list of five people in line for the Lilanero design.


Ah oki ; o;


Hallo o u o)b last time I offered designs, this time I’m offering arts because thank god I can draw again //sobs

I’m offering for this lady https://toyhou.se/3016216.-40-value#10437525

Here’s my art https://www.instagram.com/luavatre/

For her, I can draw either a full body couple with simple background, or two half bodies with moderate background, or a single full body with background of... details to the best of my abilities XD

I work very fast, so you can expect the art done within one week o u o)b

I know my art is not perfect, but I still like Codette very much ^-^


 luavatre Thank you for offering! I'm still going to pass as anything that can be sold I would prefer to sell, anything else I'm considering art for.


Hanabi-Momo They are pending, forgot to change their title whoops.

Weiss CandyLashes

I'm interested in Cleo! I can offer this Pinfle witch~ 

Or two animated icons like this: 


Thanks for taking a look 9v9)/


Lainykins I do really like your art, but I'm putting all of my focus into the three way or swaps because I love Yllande designs.


KingPrawn I would rather sell at this time, thank you for the offers though.


i would like to offer two blinking icons for him
