S/T: P-Cate, Junijwi, dainty, mig and more

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Artsy

I'm just not feeling good, I have owed stuff, i'm going through a lot and I don't have time for my kids. I'm completely un-inspired with most of my characters...

I'm mostly looking for money, Grems, alqohol designs, dainties and mignyans or P-Cate designs but I'll look at stuff in my Dream Kids folder~

Please note check the Tags, anything listed as Can Sell I'd rather Sell, just ask on the amount~

Here are the kids for offer:

Easy - Easiest for me to let go of.

Hard - A bit Harder to let go of.

Extremely Hard - Good luck with these guys honestly...

(Please note: for the P-Cates in this folder, I'm only looking for P-Cate swaps or Grems, Maybe a CB Daity Slot.)

Dainties are swaps or p-cates only

Never - Please don't offer on these kiddos~~

Feel free to note me but notes aren't loading properly for me!

I'm going through a lot so please forgive me for being late to reply!


Price for this stunner? https://toyhou.se/2475825.-toma-


Toccyn - They cost $45usd~


Any chance you’d take $40?


Houndour - Kaelyn was $52~

Toccyn - I could do that yeah! Please send it here: paypal.me/ooartsyoo/40usd


Payment sent! I thank you so much!


Toccyn - Thankyou so much! I've sent the transfer~


Kraikrai - HMMM I'd have to think on it for a bit, but Yuuma is $85usd and Petye is $45usd


Is this one still up for sale? https://toyhou.se/2085222.-christopher-

(Sorry about the PM btw, I forgot I could comment down here...)


I know he's very tent for you, but I was curious about how much he would be if he was resellable? https://toyhou.se/1940892.-ilyas-


Hmmm he is a little hard...I'd have to have a good think but he's worth about 40-45 I cant really remember im afraid.


SleepingThunder - Sorry forgot to tag. (Read above XD)
ALSO im sorry fir the delay on the custom! I have my new PC now so I'll be finishing off those outfits ASAP!