Loan Kiamara Information

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago by Qualeo

Loan Kiamaras are Kiamaras that have been flagged by their owners as available for use WITHIN THIS GROUP ONLY. These are a generous "donation" of sorts to allow everybody to enjoy the use of Kiamaras even when they don't own one yet! If you are caught breaking a rule or claiing a loan as yours, you will be removed from this world permanently. 




1. Always inform the owner when using a loan Kiamara

2. Loan Kiamaras last a week - you must wait a week between registering for a loan Kiamara

3. One person per Loan Kiamara at any given time

4. Follow the owner custom rules. You may not change anything about these Kiamaras - including name, personality, design, etc.