♻️ Recycle Shelter ♻️

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 1 month ago) by Recycle_Shelter

Welcome to the Recycle Shelter!
"Where every character has a home"

Discord Server || Bank || Detailed Guide

Welcome to the Recycle Shelter! I'm Harley, the current owner/manager/staff member of this shelter. I use he/they pronouns and am an adult American. I both work and go to college, so I ask some patience with donations and pricing and purchases! I'm doing my best to make sure I get to them as fast as possible! I would recommend checking out the Detailed Guide, as it has both the pricing and the rules in one convenient place! If you need to reach me in an emergency, please feel free to dm my main @HarleyLou or my Discord.

If you are donating art, please post this form so I can ensure the crowns get given to you.
Username: [here]
Character Link: [link to the character you're donating art of, feel free to copy + paste line for more]
Other: [here, feel free to remove]

General Rules

  • Recycle Shelter Characters are automatically worth nothing/free. You cannot charge currency for a Recycle Shelter character without adding value to them
  • Character trades are allowed, seeing as you've essentially traded a character/art to receive a character!
  • Please don't claim characters from other shelters just to send here! I'll notify the other shelter and give you a strike at this one.
  • All Recycle Shelter characters are run on a FCFS basis. Whoever comments to purchase first receives the character (as long as they have the currency).
  • Any designer's rules that come with the character are, and will always be, valid.
  • Preclaims are immediate, and holds are up to three days long!
  • I will quote a maximum of five characters per person, per day. This is to prevent wasting time! There will be exceptions but done at my discretion.
  • All transactions should happen on this thread, not in pm/dm, character comments, etc. This is for archival purposes.

Donation Rules

  • Please do not donate characters without credit!
  • Please do not send characters with the following: Gore, Cryptids, Bugs, Arachnids, Self-Harm, Suicide, Alcohol. Some of these topics are triggering to me.
  • NSFW character donations are fine (as I am 18+), however please specify when you donate that they have NSFW art!
  • I will reduce crowns given by half if the character is considered extremely low quality
  • Not a rule, but honestly it would be really helpful/amazing if you could name the character your username!
  • new As of 6/25/2022 Low Quality characters will be accepted; however, they will not cost any crowns/you will not receive any crowns. (ie bulk base designs with little to no effort (few colors, brush just made straight lines across, etc)

Hold and Preclaim Policies

  • A Preclaim is where you can claim a character in the 'intake' folder, and as soon as it's priced the crowns will be deducted from your account and you will receive the character. If you do not have the crowns by the time the character is priced (will count after all donations are priced) the character will be put into the normal folder(s). You cannot put a character on hold if they are in the 'to be priced' folder.
  • A Hold is when the character is placed aside for you. A hold lasts three days, and you will have that time to get the crowns to adopt that character! Please know that if I am inactive for any reason, that day does not count towards your hold.

50% Off Bin/Bargain Bin

  • Bargain Bin Characters are randomized at the first of every month. They will cycle through, meaning it will be cleared at the end of the month. The characters are randomly generated according to the spot they are in the page.
  • You can claim up to four bargain bin characters a week, to prevent buy-outs.
  • If you re-donate a bargain bin character, you will be credited the amount you purchased them from the bargain bin for, not the full value of the character.
  • Any character price ending with a 5 will be rounded down. (ie 75 turns into 35)

** Donation Form - Required when Donating Art **

Please copy and paste this form onto the thread when donating art, after the art transfer is sent!

Username: [here]
Character Link: [link to the character you're donating art of, feel free to copy + paste line for more]
Other: [here, feel free to remove]

How do I get Crowns via character donation?

  1. You donate character(s) by sending to this toyhouse with the trade message as 'Donation'
    1. If you do not want to receive crowns for your donation, just put 'no crowns'
    2. If you do not want to receive crowns or have them cost crows, put 'no crowns, free'
    3. If neither, just ignore these lol
  2. The character(s) get placed into a hidden folder where I price the characters according to the chart below.
  3. The crowns get added to your account after all the characters in the folder get priced.
  4. The characters get placed into the shelter for the same amount you got from the bank.

How do I get Crowns via art donation?

  1. You donate art/revamps by added the art to a preexisting character profile.
  2. When the art is accepted, the total crowns (as according to chart below) will be added to your bank and to the price of the character the art is for.

How do I adopt a character once I have the Crowns?

  1. You find the character(s) you want, and check that you have the balance needed in the bank listed on the main page and adoption form (same link in both places).
  2. You comment on the Main Thread with the links to the character(s) you want.
  3. The characters will be sent once the donations and bank have been updated.

How many crowns do I get per character/art piece?

It depends on the character you donate! There is no minimum/set price for each donation, instead it follows this chart!

General FAQ

Why did I get less crowns for the character I donated?
If you donate a character that is of low quality, you will get half the price listed on the chart for that category. This includes but is not limited to blurry image quality, small image, messy color, lack of anatomy, etc.

Why did my character get sent back to me?
It usually says the reason in the trade message! Most commonly, I send back voided characters. They usually have missing credit(s) or a large watermark over the character. I am unable to verify that character is a valid character to add to the shelter. I also send back characters if the quality is extremely low, and then it is your choice as to what you want to do. You can deny the transfer and they will be listed for free, or you can accept it and get the character back.

Why is it taking so long?
There is only one person running this whole shelter, who has a pretty busy schedule. They are a full-time college student and lead an organization in the College he has to be present at.

I see a design I created at the Shelter, and I don't want it to be here.
In cases like this, it varies for each case. If it is publicly listed in your TOS the character will be sent back no questions asked and I'll usually be the one who contacted you about it. I do read TOS/creator rules and will contact the original designer if their rules are broken. If you are kind about it, the character will be sent back no questioned asked. If you are rude and start accusing me of being a terrible person, the character will be sent back to you and then you will be given a strike. In all scenarios, my whole goal is to return the character back to whom it rightfully belongs to. I just really dislike being attacked over accepting donations, as I don't know the character's past/history and it is never my intention to break anyone's TOS, etc.

Why am I blacklisted on the Shelter even though I've never heard of it?
There is a community of Shelters that communicate with each other, and we collaborate on a shared Blacklist. 


hi there! i know they have yet to be given a price since they were donated so recently, but i would love to preclaim them! :D (i read the rules and i don’t see an intake folder exactly so i hope this is okay — please lmk if there is a more proper way to go about this for future reference)


thank youu! <3 sorry in advance for any inconveniences!


I sent in three characters and I would love to adopt this character once they get a price



May I adopt this one please? https://toyhou.se/3094925.0-crowns-free


hello!!!! just reminding that i sent a few ocs as donation :3 (also bump)


also, could you put them on hold for me? 


i would like to adopt those two :)




Could I get these free beans? https://toyhou.se/4376254.0-crowns-free


I will be donatimg stuff either later today or sometime next week for Crowns :3


Sent some charas! Would love to please get https://toyhou.se/2119192.40-crowns and https://toyhou.se/13248448.170-crowns


donated a few :3