Free Character Designs (Humanoid) [CLOSED]

Posted 2 years, 24 days ago (Edited 2 years, 24 days ago) by Wilxian

Felt like doing some designs so if you drop below the colour scheme/gender/species etc I'll try to make a humanoid design based on it!! 

First come first serve and one per person - only doing 15 designs!! :)


Black, whites and Grey's


Dog humanoid?

Edit: thank you for this opportunity!

Also for clothing can it be either formal like tux or casual like sweatshirt! Thanks!!


Gender: Male

Species: some sort of one off! Really like angular shapes like horns and claws! Otherwise I don’t really mind what you do!

Color Scheme:

Blacks and Whites and maybe these kind of greens!


Thank you for the opportunity!


a female creature that looks human, except they have spooooky features! such as extra eyes or mouths and a pair of horns. maybe... spooky claws too! their color scheme has black and pastels (cotton candy colors >;3).



Neon Blue/Cyan, Neon purple, black & grey


Maybe part robot or some sort of big cat? 

(Nice of you to be doing these! Have an amazing day!)


colour scheme: light blues, pastel pinks, a little bit of blacks here and there and brown :]

for species: human, female,black, and kind of plus size if u can do that! u could maybe make them a little bit like a witch? like using a lot of jewelry and like foresty looking clothes, kinda like this design! oh and maybe u can add tattoos if u want! like flower tattoos or just nature related :D

tysm for the chance! your art is gorgeous :]


Species: humanoid

Gender: male

Theme: gamer

Color Palette: red / blue / black (hair) / white

Etc: It’s basically based off of nintendo switch colors. Hair highlights are a-ok! But no mask or eyepatch pls. Tysm!


Color Scheme: Red, pale, Black, white

Male Human Species

Was thinking of a weasel like gangster informant type who's a supervillain that plays on both sides. 

Thanks for the chance!


Color scheme: purple, gold, black, white

Gender: Male 

Species: Cat hybrid?

Thank you so much for the chance!


Colors: SPA0655_square.jpg

Gender: Male

Species: Goat humanoid

Etc: Chubby femboy

Tysm!! I can’t wait to see what you come up with 👀👀


Color scheme: or

Gender: any

Species: humanoid

Theme: cyberpunk or synthwave

Thank you for the opportunity!


Colors- (an autumn type pallet?) Oranges, browns, yellow and some white

Gender- Male

Species- maybe a wolf/pomeranian humanoid? (Does that exist??)

Dark academia kind of clothing maybe? You can go wild tbh!

Thank you for the opportunity^^