Generate a Character for the Person Above You

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by NoLongerInUse

(Haven't seen a create a character game for dollmakers/generators, so might as well start here. If there is already one, let me know!)
In this Forum Game, you must create a character using a generator/dollmaker/other by what they ask for. For example, if the user above you asked for a sea-related humanoid character, you would create that. I would suggest asking for more than one design so that people have an selectiont to choose from. If you have any questions on what you are allowed to do with the final design, ask the creator first.

1. Wait at least 2 posts before posting again. (Unless 24 Hours have passed)
2. Do not post again unless you have completed your last character post.
3. Edit your original post with the character. Do not make a new post just for that.
4. Thank people in your original post by tagging them or PM them
5. Do not harrass people on here. You may share your opinion, but don't be a jerk about it.
6. Do not sell the design you were given unless you have 1)Gotten the creator's permission and 2)Recieved extra art.
7. You have 2 weeks to complete the character. PM me if you will end up taking longer
8. Have fun~!

List of Generators
(You are not required to use these, these are just some I know work well)
GaiaOnline Avatar Builder
JWebGen Pony Generator
Mostly Any Deviantart Dress Up/Doll Maker/Generator

UnClaimed Generated Characters
These characters were generated, but the user they were generated for didn't get attached to the design. They would like to find them good homes, so please feel free to message me if you would like to claim one of these~!


ChosenUndeaad claim!!!.... I hope you like them!!

um I also like cute pastel things but anything is good!!


claim!! i have a design wishlist here :> also please pm me when you're through!


Claim!! I'd like an: Avian male, pokemon gijinka (preferably one that's a ghost type), or a dragon humanoid Growl Finished! I'll PM you now

@AichiKun Aaaaah I love him!! Tysm ;u;


Claim! :)


I'd like an angel, demon, neko,  or soft deliquent boy or something humanoid I like femboys and shota /bishi adfogijfgg all of them xD Male please.

I love


Rainbow colors

and monochrome I'd love to see;w;;


Wow?? WOW i really love them!!:D AhHH <3  thankyou!!<3 I can see them being a demondragon?? IDKY and is that a recolor me u used to make it? It looks similiar I rlly like it xD Enderloid



@AichiKun So I tried to do a pastel demon kinda thing and this happened cQLyVuI.png

Hope you like them!

I'd really like a humanoid pumpkin themed witch girl kinda thing

CuddlySpider Oh my gosh I love her! She's so cute and the skin thing's a pretty neat idea. Thank you! 


Oh that sounds cute! Claim!
I'll get to it later tonight. (I should probly stop but making these is fun)

EDIT: Enderloid

sorry it's kinda large. I was working on them and playing with the different hats and then skins and thought. Maybe they change their skin based on their mood. Soo some other skin options. (the hue/saturations/lightness/darkness can change) ^^;


hmm I think i'd like a horror theme/ holloween theme design! gore and body horror is fine. try to not have them be like a mad scientist or anything terribly mainstream tho. Again with the anything but dreamself :c Humanoid, anthro, feral, whatever.

Should probly make an aesthetic profile for things like this.

@folklor I like them thank you!


bump! [ I would claim you, but I've already done so a couple times and you probably want designs from someone else ]



CuddlySpider idk if this is considered "terribly mainstream" but?? i tried


i'm fine with just about anything, but pls no dreamselfy or ferals. ;v;



claimed! I made a demon-type thingy for ya.. hope they're okay!



I don't have very many preferences, but I would love a pokemon gijinka? If you're not up to doin that, just go wild my dude

edit: I don't want anything from dreamselfy, and I would prefer if you used the gaiaonline avatar builder!





@lovebitten since u didnt rlly describe what you want i saw that you like more anthro(?) characters so here ya go ;p



(please make on the gaia online thingy-ma-bob)

someone based off of thisaesthetic 



Want: Animal Crossing(Animals, not humans), Corpse Party(Dress them in any outfit other than a school uniform, I already have the uniforms designed), Pokemon Trainer(Gym leader, Elite four or normal trainers),Pokemon Gijinka(Any pokemon Gjinka I don't already have) or Monster Girl/Boy(Any monster girl/boy I already have). I may change up the design I receive a little bit, usually either due to a background being added or something looking a little off.





