Trick Or Treat Event!!!

Posted 8 months, 11 days ago by MisfitRebels

So uhm. I noticed that the current Trick or Treat event was being hosted by someone who was on multiple blacklists, and has a PSA on them, so I decided... Why not make one here, for the people who blocked them and stuff? It's nearly Halloween after all, let's not let this type of stuff ruin the fun- 

Anyways! Last year, CoyotesCorner hosted the event! 

So basically, this is how it works. People will make either bulletins or 'advertisements', and you'll go to those and comment 'trick or treat'! Then you'd receive either a trick or treat, which usually depends on the user when it comes to what you get. Examples for what you could get could be art, customs, vouchers, silly doodles, memes, etc. This event lasts all of October, usually from October 1st till the 31st! You can turn off the light, or close the door whenever you want, which means you don't take on any more commenters. Make sure this is somewhere obvious for people to see. 

All you have to do is link this in your post (so others can find it, and perhaps participate too!), and drop a link in this comment section so people know you're participating too! Just link it like this: 

Trick or Treat (This is a link to my own btw ;))

That's all I think!


Here's mine!! :D Feel free to stop by <3 (I'll make my own rounds a bit later once I draw something for it

RedsRainbows my door!!!! :3


There is a spooky mansion up a head, do you dare to aproach the mansion? 

{Yes / No}

Daze <3 SieisSane

🌲🍂 There seems to be a small stone path leading into the trees. Do you enter? Yes / No  🎃🍂


I know plenty of people already asked, but could I get the link to the PSAs too? I'm not as active in the forums, so I'd like to avoid anyone problematic :)


AnxiouslyandInk yea, sure, I'll Dm it to you


could i get the psa too? /nm (i would just like to know ty ^^


another door,,


Here's mine!

COSMAWZ My door is open!!

darren47 me


You come across a decorated house and see that the lights are on. Do you choose to knock on the door?
