Oc fusions

Posted 5 months, 28 days ago (Edited 5 months, 28 days ago) by Kawaii_kukki

Hewooo I'm doin fusions!! Gimmi two of your ocs and I will fuse them to create a new OC for you, or if you want you can scroll through my OCS and pick out one of them for me to fuse with your oc and I will gladly do so :3

If you want me two fuse two of your ocs I will make just one for you.

If you decide you want one of your ocs fused with one of my OCS I will make two of them so you can pick the one you want, and I will keep the other.

If you are wanting your oc fused with mine please specify which oc :3

Also I will prob post the fusions on my insta so if you want to be tagged feel free to add your insta username in the comment 😁

Anyways that's all for now so ttyl and have a wonderful day/night :3


I have Leslie that would be cool with Erin!
OOOR Bowie and This Character!
Pick whatever you'd like! Thought I'd give a choice :]


hear me out!!!
Frostpetal on Toyhouse
Toucanstar on Toyhouse
insta is eskmikothe_cat !! its my cats, ignore it


This seems like a cool idea! :D I offer you Toulouse and Chongqing if you'd be interested :P

Thank you for considering! (feel free to also look through anyone else in case these two don't interest you!)


MartianSnake this is the fusion, I will send it right over 😁



omg wait this is so fun i'd really love a fusion of https://toyhou.se/2824330.akira and https://toyhou.se/7700333.nikki ! They're best friends and practically siblings with how close they are, so fusing them would be really interesting! 

tysm for the opportunity!


Would it be possible to merge https://toyhou.se/21507631.sylvester and https://toyhou.se/25156611.helluva-boss-oc-tbn If you have time!