Free customs

Posted 5 months, 16 days ago (Edited 5 months, 16 days ago) by Free customs form Kawaii_kukki

Hewooo I will be doing free customs, all you have to do is fill out the form in my IC and comment it here or on the character profile.

To fill out the form all you have to do is save the photo and circle certain parts of it and draw on other parts, you don't have to have an exact idea, you can fill it out with just a general idea of what you want :3

If you have any questions feel free to ask I will be glad to answer.

These will not be fcfs I will do the ones that intrigue me the most first, though I'm sure they will all be interesting :3

I will try to do at least most of them, but I may not get around to doing all of them, I will be doing this only in my spare time ;p

Anyways that's all for now so ttyl everyone!!