FTE Closed Species Raffle *closed*

Posted 1 month, 24 days ago (Edited 1 month, 3 days ago) by CapybaraQuartet

So red isn't my thing because it makes me uncomfortable. When claiming this as an egg I thought I'd be fine with the coloring since it's not exactly red but I just can't get myself to like it so raffle time I guess 


Enter by

Favoriting the character +1 


Fav my other Viscets +1 each 

Write for them: story or poem +2

Make a recommendation (food, show, song, whatever) +1 per recommendation 

Make a bulletin +1 (link it)

Make a moodboard +2

Make a playlist +2

Comment here with bonus entries you did  You can edit later if you do more

Ends May 4th 

Winner will be announced May 5th

Will use a rng site to choose the winner 


Faved all viscets + made a bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1848855.check-out-this-raffle


Faved the character


Faved both this viscet and Vip! (also made a gift headshot and submitted to the gallery, not for any bonus, just a gift for the winner!)


I fav'd all viscets! Made a bulletin https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1884355.theres-this-raffle-guys

And I would recommend to you these: 

be more chill, falsettos, heathers, Fly by Night (all musicals)

Chicken coconut curry, sinigang (food)

Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf, Panic Marina by Acho, Charles (Rachie cover), and Rust by DoctorSiren! (Songs)

It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned vizzini, Swing by Kwame Alexander, Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo by Oscar Zeta Acosta, and Les Misérables by Victor-Marie Hugo (books)


Thank you everyone for entering! This was my first time hosting a raffle and I think it went well. I've randomly assigned numbers and will be using a RNG site to choose a winner around 4pm EST

Please don't harass the winner or make complaints if you don't win

Whoever does win I'll dm for your DA account to properly transfer the Viscet to you. You must state that you claim it and rename it when you do. If there's confusion just ask or read information found in the link in the characters profile 

Anyways here's everyone's assigned numbers 

Synni 1-4
SciFiFan1234 5
Archaos 6-13
mrfreeman 14-22
TheSnailKiwi 23-44
PinkNotebook 45
Akuenka 46
WovenInTime 47-49
wickerbeastinabasket 50
EpickFaylia 51
FadingSunsets 52


Sorry I'm late the winner has been chosen

The generator picked number 49 which is WovenInTime congrats on winning and I'll contact you soon 

For proof visit the Viscets gallery to see the pictures because I don't know how photos work on forums here yet 

Thank you everyone else for participating and I hope it was at least a little fun   


😱 oof omg thank you! What a great surprise! I can't believe it lol. I'll reply in dm when I get off work!
thanks again! 


Congrats to the winner!