Freebies (maybe kinda?)

Posted 1 month, 3 days ago (Edited 1 month, 21 hours ago) by FatherLemonadeSale

Hello! I have decided to clear out some of my characters, but I’m somewhat hesitant on some. I’ll give away characters Here and Here for free, if you can convince me to (Give them a backstory, some traits, or DTA- smth like that, just convince me you'll use them.)

The rest of my profile is UFO, you can ignore the listed prices. If you offer anything for the characters it'll be almost an automatic accept, since I don't really want most of these designs.


Thank you ever so very much~! I'll try to do the best I can with her


Idk if we can get more then one but I kinda want this one to be a pet for the spirit faction I hv to the university I'm working on I'd prob name them aether might change it tho if I come up with something better ^^

Edit: tyy ^^


Piemunch70 You can have her! Honestly thats one of the designs I really want to get rid of, so it's ok :)


Oh!! thank you very much💖

 I could do both now that I have a little time ;v; Well, seeing his clothes and his name of course! He could be a musician (he will use the electric guitar) who would abandon his friends in the band to make his own music because they only take advantage of him for his creativity and popularity. 

Little by little he seeks inspiration to release new music, this leads him to go with my main oc Aily who will help him and get him some magical notes unique in the world that could immediately lead him to success but of course he will have a terrible curse. 

The rabbit, being blinded by wanting to get ahead and teach that he could be alone without his band, takes the magic notes and then goes to his studio, he began to play them little by little to learn them and thus give birth to a new version of those notes. I could follow you but I would like to see if you are interested in jsjs x>


Aily_998 Wow, that’s really good!! Alright, I’ll send the rabbit over right now :D (I’d love to hear more of his story :O!!)


Muchas gracias <D✨

 Yo también estará viendo la historia, así que mientras tanto la pondré en la descripción para poder editarla y borrarla x> 

Estoy viendo si después de tocar su música para el público la gente que lo escuchan inmediatamente se convierte en piedra, dejándolo como el único ser habitable. en el lugar, aunque también pudo ser que cuando tocó las notas y volteó a ver a su público, no encontró nada, solo oscuridad y noche, está solo, cuando busca ayuda se da cuenta de que hay propios fantasmas que lo arrastran hacia abajo y Quieren destruirlo para obtener su cuerpo.



I submitted the images! sorry it took me a while ;D


I was also wondering if I can DTA

these ones too? :D


Milorth Sending the characters right now! And I’m ok with a DTA for Strawberry Lemonade, but for Cinnamon I’m not willing for a DTA for them