Generate a Character for the Person Above You

Posted 7 years, 4 days ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by NoLongerInUse

(Haven't seen a create a character game for dollmakers/generators, so might as well start here. If there is already one, let me know!)
In this Forum Game, you must create a character using a generator/dollmaker/other by what they ask for. For example, if the user above you asked for a sea-related humanoid character, you would create that. I would suggest asking for more than one design so that people have an selectiont to choose from. If you have any questions on what you are allowed to do with the final design, ask the creator first.

1. Wait at least 2 posts before posting again. (Unless 24 Hours have passed)
2. Do not post again unless you have completed your last character post.
3. Edit your original post with the character. Do not make a new post just for that.
4. Thank people in your original post by tagging them or PM them
5. Do not harrass people on here. You may share your opinion, but don't be a jerk about it.
6. Do not sell the design you were given unless you have 1)Gotten the creator's permission and 2)Recieved extra art.
7. You have 2 weeks to complete the character. PM me if you will end up taking longer
8. Have fun~!

List of Generators
(You are not required to use these, these are just some I know work well)
GaiaOnline Avatar Builder
JWebGen Pony Generator
Mostly Any Deviantart Dress Up/Doll Maker/Generator

UnClaimed Generated Characters
These characters were generated, but the user they were generated for didn't get attached to the design. They would like to find them good homes, so please feel free to message me if you would like to claim one of these~!


Ah ah I love this!!! Anything from here!!



Human/Humanoid Designs: Red Riding Hood Hunter design | Addicted Gamer design | Types of Deres Designs 
Gijinka Desgins: Any Pokemon
Feral Designs: Felines, Canines or MLP-Styled Ponies


Oh! I'll claim!

Full size!

 Hmm as for me I'd like a male humanoid delinquent boy, humanoid teacher, or a monster girl model! Note that when I say humanoid, I don't care what species but as long as they're not actually human. Ty!

I love the deer teach, what a QT <3 







Any sort of Pokemon Gjinka would be fine. As well as a feline/canine design with realistic colors.


aaa OKAY I CAN'T RESIST-- I claim. |D;;;
sent PM with design!

i'm pretty much thinkin like Chilie is up there-- i'd love to have a delinquent. i will be a bit more strict though-- either a human or humanoid demon..... and can we keep it in line with yankii vibes? i want a badass. probably male bc i love those HUGE greased up pomps (sweats)

OH NOOO CHILIE HE'S HOTTTT!!! (tears shirt off in a fit of passionate rage) THANK YOU FOR THIS omg......


//sweats with you because delinquents/yankiis are my weakness tbfh 
Claim :''3c

Demon delinquent! He is ready 2 rumble. 

I'd like someone to try a making a pokemon gijinka :O A jynx to be specific. If not a humanoid monster girl nurse or a monster humanoid teen delinquent then!

HOSKFSAFJ SHE'S SO GORGEOUS TYSM IM??? I can't wait to go home and draw her aaaa ;;v;; 


Claim ;u;

Any sort of Pokemon Gjinka would be fine. As well as a feline/canine design with realistic colors.




Here! I hope you enjoy! roxas

Can I have a female character w/ some body horror?


I'll claim!

 Hope this'll do! :')

As for me I'd like any female gijinka (don't make them kemonomimis btw)! Or a humanoid monster girl nurse <3

Edit: vvvv for some reason it's not showing on my screen??


Claaaaaim!! (hhh) DONE

I'd like stuff inspired by this!