Generate a Character for the Person Above You

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by NoLongerInUse

(Haven't seen a create a character game for dollmakers/generators, so might as well start here. If there is already one, let me know!)
In this Forum Game, you must create a character using a generator/dollmaker/other by what they ask for. For example, if the user above you asked for a sea-related humanoid character, you would create that. I would suggest asking for more than one design so that people have an selectiont to choose from. If you have any questions on what you are allowed to do with the final design, ask the creator first.

1. Wait at least 2 posts before posting again. (Unless 24 Hours have passed)
2. Do not post again unless you have completed your last character post.
3. Edit your original post with the character. Do not make a new post just for that.
4. Thank people in your original post by tagging them or PM them
5. Do not harrass people on here. You may share your opinion, but don't be a jerk about it.
6. Do not sell the design you were given unless you have 1)Gotten the creator's permission and 2)Recieved extra art.
7. You have 2 weeks to complete the character. PM me if you will end up taking longer
8. Have fun~!

List of Generators
(You are not required to use these, these are just some I know work well)
GaiaOnline Avatar Builder
JWebGen Pony Generator
Mostly Any Deviantart Dress Up/Doll Maker/Generator

UnClaimed Generated Characters
These characters were generated, but the user they were generated for didn't get attached to the design. They would like to find them good homes, so please feel free to message me if you would like to claim one of these~!



- Western Zodiac Inspired Human(oid) Natural skintones. No animal parts please. Horns are okay though. Any gender.

- Autumn Color Schemed Human(oid) Natural skintones. No animal parts except for horns or antlers please. Any gender.

- Garage Band/Non-Famous Rocker Cambion (half-demon.) Natural skin-tone and no horns please. Red, Yellow, or Black eyes preferred. Any gender.

No gore. Nsfw is okay but I still prefer none. No generator preference.

Please do not generate a character for me unless you're okay with me using it in a story! I will double-check with you. But please keep this in mind.

Edit: MajickRimes Done! I decided to go with a unicorn/centaur hybrid! I hope you like her. If not. I can make you another one and find her a new home.

Oh and I made her with

pechapanda. Thank you so much for generating a character for me. Unfortunately, she's not totally what I'm looking for though. Would you be offended if I gave her away or traded her away for another character? I just want to make sure you're okay with it before accepting anything. You did an amazing job on the character, I'm just not attached to her design is all.


pechapanda Not a problem at all. I just don't like to do things without permission.

Claiming the above!

- Crazy Cat Lady-inspired character. Appears to be in late teens/young adult years. Female and human(oid) obviously. Natural colored skin.

- Western Zodiac Inspired Human(oid) Natural skintones. No animal parts please. Horns are okay though. Any gender.

- Garage Band/Non-Famous Rocker Cambion (half-demon.) Natural skin-tone and no horns please. Red, Yellow, or Black eyes preferred. Any gender.

- Strega/Mori aesthetic human(oid). No animal parts, other than horns please. Any gender and natural skin tone.

Keep in mind, I would most likely end up using this character in a story. So don't generate one unless you're okay with me using them.

I have no preference in generator. Absolutely no gore please. I'm not a fan of NSFW but I'm okay with that.

Edit: haiiroko Done! I made you a 50's inspired girl since I myself love some of the fashion from that era. I hope this okay. If not, please let me know and I can always generate a new one for you.

Edit: Hollow-Jack OMG! She's so adorable! I love her! Just to double check, would it be okay if I use her in a story? And perhaps just make a few minor changes to her design? (I totally get if the answer is no, but I just wanted to ask before doing it. (Like just her hair color and dress. She's perfect otherwise.) And I'll still give you full credit for her design, so no worries.



E2// That's perfectly fine! I encourage the use of my designs - it makes me happy!



I'm looking for circus-themed charas! If that's not quite your style, a few other themes I like include:

Occult, Classy, Dark, Victorian

Pastel, Soft, Cute, Pets

Pastel, Morbid, Death, Occult

Steampunk, Victorian, Brown/Gold/Bronze Colors

Technology, Video Games, Futuristic, Neon Colors

Technology, Video Games, Retro, 8/16-bit

Preferably male and made with gaia and/or picrew!


claim! Hollow-Jack tried to go a more "dark circus" kind of feel if thats ok!


maybe something based on this song?>

if no ideas come up, heres a small wishlist/preferences

no preference on generators



Hollow-Jack ahh! Thank you so much. I'll upload her a bit later on in the day hopefully.

Edit 2: megido I'm not good at creating looks based off of songs, so I looked on your list and made you this witch girl. If you don't like her though, please let me know. And I can generate a new design. And give this one away/trade her.

Edit 3: CrayonArsenal Thank you so much for generating them, but I'm not feeling super attached to this design as I was hoping I'd be. You did a wonderful job, but I don't really see myself using them. Would it be okay if I traded this one or gave it away? Unless of course you'd rather keep them. That would be okay by me too.

Edit: I totally forgot to put my ideas down. Lol.

- Human(oid) inspired by ONE of the Western Zodiac signs. Natural skintones. No animal parts please. Horns are okay though. Any gender. Prefer subtle references over obvious ones.

- Boho Aesthetic Female Human(oid) Natural skintones. No animal parts (unless horns/antlers)

- Strega/Mori Aesthetic Humanoid WITH antlers. No other animal parts, and a natural skin tone. Can be male or female.

NO gore at all. NSFW is okay. And I have no preference with the generator.