[CLOSED] Art Trades! (with animation!!)

Posted 4 years, 1 day ago (Edited 3 years, 10 months ago) by psijay

I've been doing a bunch of art trades lately, and I love them, so I figured I'd make my own thread. I usually do high effort art trades, but if you aren't up for that, I can simplify.

Art Examples (click through for full res + animation):



I enjoy VFX, so I usually add in small animations! By no means are you expected to do the same (I mean, unless you want to lmao), since it's something I do just for fun.

I'm also offering animated 'blep' icons! These are flat colored headshots with a cute little animation.

I'll draw just about anything, anthros, humans, aliens, etc., but I prefer not to draw ferals. I'm also open to mild NSFW (nudity/suggestive themes/blood are fine, but I'm not confident with sexual content). I prefer characters with more story to them, since it helps me come up with backgrounds and animations, but it's not a necessity. I'm most interested in getting art for Apsis, Zenitha, Sidra, or Jove, or pretty much anyone in my 'OK to draw' tag! Feel free to ask for more information on any of them if you need it!

Please post art examples (and a couple options of characters for me to draw) if you're interested, and let me know what kind of trade you want!

Closed!! Thanks everybody!

Trades in Progress (because I'm starting to lose track lmao):

vance (part 2!)

My half (waiting on approval) | their half ☐


My half ✅ | their half ☐


vance Aww, she's a cutie! I've never tried drawing an animatronic before, seems fun. Fullbody is fine. You're welcome to draw any of my characters, but the four listed in my post are my favorites C:


Hi ! If you still open, I'd love to trade with you ^^

Here are my examples (more recent on my TH gallery) and characters 


I'd love to trade with you if you've got time! c: I can do some animation with my pixels if you're interested in that, or I can do digital art.

Examples are all at my deviantART and choice of characters is here! Those marked with the 'currently working on' or 'finished profiles' tag have the most info to browse, otherwise it's all still a big WIP;;;


FoXyane Sure! I think I'll draw Mijane. You're welcome to choose from any of my characters, but I'd definitely be interested in seeing Apsis in your style.

kingxlink Yeah I've got time! I'd like to draw Mojito Pop, they're super cute. It's up to you if you want to do pixels or digital art. You're also welcome to choose any character you like, but if I had to suggest one, it'd be Carson.


psijay Of course ! Fullbody or something else ? ^^


FoXyane fullbody!


Sounds great! Fullbody sound good to you?


kingxlink Yep, sounds good!


Howdy! I’m interested in a trade ^^
im not one to draw a lot of effects so I wouldn’t be drawing that ._.
art examples: x

Id like to draw a halfbody of Carson ^^
i don’t care who you draw but I’m mostly looking for art of Keahi or anyone in Into the Nothing


HistoryAddict Sure, sounds good!!


I’ll get started soon ^^


Sent mine over ^^


HistoryAddict Awww you made him so cute! Thank you so much!! I've got yours sketched out and I should have it done by tomorrow!


Okay great! ^^ and tysm-