[CLOSED] Art Trades! (with animation!!)

Posted 4 years, 1 day ago (Edited 3 years, 10 months ago) by psijay

I've been doing a bunch of art trades lately, and I love them, so I figured I'd make my own thread. I usually do high effort art trades, but if you aren't up for that, I can simplify.

Art Examples (click through for full res + animation):



I enjoy VFX, so I usually add in small animations! By no means are you expected to do the same (I mean, unless you want to lmao), since it's something I do just for fun.

I'm also offering animated 'blep' icons! These are flat colored headshots with a cute little animation.

I'll draw just about anything, anthros, humans, aliens, etc., but I prefer not to draw ferals. I'm also open to mild NSFW (nudity/suggestive themes/blood are fine, but I'm not confident with sexual content). I prefer characters with more story to them, since it helps me come up with backgrounds and animations, but it's not a necessity. I'm most interested in getting art for Apsis, Zenitha, Sidra, or Jove, or pretty much anyone in my 'OK to draw' tag! Feel free to ask for more information on any of them if you need it!

Please post art examples (and a couple options of characters for me to draw) if you're interested, and let me know what kind of trade you want!

Closed!! Thanks everybody!

Trades in Progress (because I'm starting to lose track lmao):

vance (part 2!)

My half (waiting on approval) | their half ☐


My half ✅ | their half ☐


Awsome! I'll get started asap <3


Your artwork is absolutely gorgeous! 💕

I'd be down for a full body for full body 

Any babes in this folder would be great


My art examples 


And I'd love to draw Jove ^-^


KindOfAHippieWhore Thank you! I'd like to draw Misumi. I've been practicing nsfw art lately, so is it okay if I draw a pinup of her?


psijay Of course!! Would you like NSFW artwork done of Jove too or no? It really does not matter to me either way. ^-^ 


KindOfAHippieWhore nah, sfw is good for Jove. He's one of those characters I can't even imagine in a nsfw situation lol


psijay sounds great! I will get started right away! ^-^


psijay I am done with your cutie so just let me know when you're done! No rush though! I can email him to you or just send him through here. Thanks! ^-^ 


KindOfAHippieWhore I'm still working on the trade in line ahead of you, so it'll probably be a couple days. I'll PM you when it's done!


Snyvella My queue's filling up so I probably won't get to yours until next week. If you're okay with that, just tell me who you'd like me to draw!


Snyvella okay, I'll add you to the list! I think I'll probably do a bust of Lorraine. They're super cute and I want to draw them, but feral bodies aren't my specialty. Do you mind only doing a bust trade?


Snyvella sweeeet I'll def draw Lorraine, then.


hello! i'd love to do a trade with you if you're interested :)

you can find my art examples here

i would love to draw sidra!

if you want to trade, i would love art of any of these guys 

thanks <3