LF: (OPEN) Art Trades

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by ElectricJourney

Hey all!

I've been needing some practice when it comes to drawing! So, I've decided to open myself up to some art trades! I'm not going to slot them for now but I  might if need be :)

Here is my online, public to do list! You can view my progress of art on here! <3 !!Click Here!!

What I Will Draw:

  • Ferals (Cats, Dogs, Dragons, etc.) (Even custom species)
  • Anthros (Please give non complex, as human anatomy is harder for me.)
  • Minor Gore (Blood or pastel)
  • More than one character (Max 2)
  • Backgrounds (Not to complex)
What I Will Not Draw
  • Humans (I will practice these on my own.)
  • Other Reptiles (Lizards, Geckos, things like that. I've never drawn those before so, I don't wish to try right now.)
  • NSFW (I am underage, it would be illegal and wrong for me.)
  • Suggestive themes (I am not comfortable drawing characters like this. There are other threads for art, if you're interested :) I'm not one to judge.)
  • No backgrounds (I would highly prefer for it to have some sort of background. Even if it's just a pattern.)
Name & Link:
Gore?: (yes/no)
Background Idea:
Possible Pose:
Anything Special?:

 Something to know. I will dm you if I accept your trade! I will post the finished result here! I will start working on my side of the trade, as long as I see, at the very least, a sketch of your side. When  I finish my side, I will dm you and you will have to send yours first. I will then send mine :)




Name & Link: Kanako

Species: winged cat

Personality: Kanako is fun-loving and carefree, usually very optimistic. She's often seen with a happy or smiling expression.

Gore?: no thank you

Background Idea: solid color

Possible Pose: sitting down with a smile

Anything Special?: I'd love it if you drew her in her feral form :)