[Open] Condensed Milk's Art and Design trades

Posted 3 years, 26 days ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by SchoolMilkCarton

Looking to do some art or design trades! O:

I can do fullbody, halfbody, bust, or chibi lined and I can also do lineless chibis. Examples below:



What I will draw:





-Some gore

What I won't draw:

-NSFW (excluding some gore)

Looking for art of anyone here, but if none of those interest you feel free to browse the rest of my characters. If you're looking for designs, I've got a few things in mind and I'll PM you with those prompts as to not clog up anything here. All final drawings will be PM'd, as well.

Just lmk who you want me to draw and what style/type and please offer what you think is fair for that!


Sounds good! :D


Hi! If you're interested I would love to do a rendered halfbody of Aergia!! You can look at examples like that here (just realized I never rendered armors and that is a SIN so this would be great for practice!!)

I would like a lined chibi in exchange (i love how they look) ! You can choose between him or her (she doesn't have a crinoline behind that part is like. flat not round. you can tell i'm lazy to edit that lol) ty for looking!


nekowaity O: Of course! Your art is absolutely gorgeous! 

I can draw Leonor! I'll shade and highlight it to equal out the halfbody portion! (:

I'll PM you when I'm done which is probably within an hour or two--I try to get stuff done quick!


Sorry for the late reply, no prompts for Birch, just have fun!


hi, I'd love to do a design trade if you're up for it! I have art examples here :> thanks for considering!


shyclops Of course! I'll PM you more about it! (:


Hello! I’d love to trade and if you’re interested I can do a halfbody of Panwiri in exchange for a lined chibi of either Matthias, Theski, or Collin (your choice). You can find all my art here in my art tab. Thank you I’m advance for your time :)


Rainbowarcher22 Oh WOW your art is super pretty!

I'm more than willing to do a lined chibi of Matthias for you! O:

I'll PM you when I'm complete and we can exchange when both parts are done! (:


Sounds good!


I'd love to draw Reese in trade for a chibi lined!!

My general art can be found Sp_00nsy or here; my Art/Owed Art Examples (DA) on Deviantart!

As for characters I'd like drawn, anyone in UNDER CONSTRUCTION I'd LOVE drawn!! You're free to choose any that strike your fancy lmao :D

Lemme know if you're interested in the offer!

Dusk KingDrago

Heya! I can offer a halfbody of this guy https://toyhou.se/10345518.fruit-squish for a lineless chibi of the character linked in ic!


sp_00nsy Of course I'd be happy to trade with you! O:

I'll draw this cutie right here! I'll PM you when I am complete!

KingDrago Sure, I can draw Dusk! Your linework is super crisp, I love it! (:

I'll PM you when I am complete!

Byte Tundralark

https://toyhou.se/Zan-the-man/art I’d love to trade! I’d love to do you a fullbody for a lined or lineless chibi of ic!


Hello! your style looks so cool! Id love to do a lined (if thats what its called otz) chibi trade with you if possible ;;w;; 


Zan-the-man Of course! Who of mine will you draw? O:

Lmk! I've got a few to finish, but I can get to yours soon! I'll PM you when I'm done!

CorundumFang Sure! Your art is super pretty aaaaa,,,

Who do you want me to draw and which of my characters will you draw?